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  1. pictures say more than words : https://www.hwcv.org/empty-pagef738a1ef please reset the headline to Here you can see a Perpetual motion, thank you
  2. i think its better to delete this ?
  3. @charon thats right, and no car in germany may drive, if the TÜV doesnt give an all right. and a high german court decided, that this is a Pm, even the mighty TÜV tried to disprove this by hook or by crook , because the TÜV had to pay the Court costs in this case. but the fellows herein, are much more clever than well educated german engineers. congratulations.
  4. surface means surface tension
  5. it doesnt make sense to contend about a Pm. the text says essentially that the uplift of floaters is in a relation to the surface. thats new, or can anybody proove, that this is already known, not to mention, that a floater rises in a capillary tube ?
  6. Want to keep your mind, let rule alkohol you find excuse me, if you wanna keep your mind, lets rule alkohol, thats tight so you must be the most stupid physicist in the world and you should think about to sue your teachers , look here http://www.physicsclassroom.com/class/energy/Lesson-1/Definition-and-Mathematics-of-Work or here https://www.google.de/webhp?sourceid=chrome-instant&rlz=1C1BLWB_enDE566DE566&ion=1&espv=2&ie=UTF-8#q=physical%20work%20in%20horizontal%20direction and now, please stop bothering the folks here
  7. you bored, the runing machine was presented succesfully for several times see here http://www.hwcv.net/%C3%BCber-uns/medien/ , try https://www.youtube.com/watch?t=67&v=jWbbD42Y3q8 thats all
  8. @ delta so, you realy claim, moving matter in horizontal direction, means physical work. so are you ready to undersign this with your real name ?
  9. i think, you are right, but all physicists in this world will declaire you, that you are wrong. I am sure, you dont believe me, but try going over study, so ask only one physicist, and you will see .... How do you feel in a flat earth, because not the most can be wrong
  10. thats wrong, in germany, real models are forbidden when you want to get a patent granting, but dont care, there are ways to get one ! is it different in usa ?
  11. i dont wanna force you to surrender, but this says the machine is working, http://www.merkur.de/lokales/ebersberg/landkreis/philosophische-perpetuum-mobile-731538.html and here some more http://www.hwcv.net/%C3%BCber-uns/medien/ and a horizontally movement of matter means no physically work, and now, please bother me no more, until all of the criticals in this thread ask a real physicist, and I pay everybody 1. 000.000 $, if you find one real physicist, which is disputing this
  12. sorry but this "machine was presented several times, and the most very seriosness news papers and german scientific journals confirmed in penalty of perjury, as can be seen here http://www.hwcv.net/ev-r-z/ and here http://www.hwcv.net/ev-sz/ and here all together http://www.hwcv.net/%C3%BCber-uns/medien/ and you dont need a dynamo, but only a mechanic, but there is no difference according to the energy balance, wether physical work is done by a mechanic, or by manual work
  13. i think, i did not exactly understand what you are saying, but if you take a capillary tube, you can degrade the tension of water inside the capillary tube, without an allowance from tensides ! so you have a perpetual motion, as declaired
  14. you said "Sorry, I must be stupid" ok, I agree with this, and I repeat, ask a Physicist, if you want to become smarter !!!
  15. ask simply a physicist of your own choice, he or she will explain it to you !
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