hello all
I am new to ns-2
can anyone explain me the process of simulating manet in ns-2
i have to execute tora protocol!
i am studying the tutorials on ns2 but could not get exactly how to do it........
please help me out
thank you
thank you for the replies.....SMT is secure message transmission protocol......
this is paper on which I am working.........
I have a mini project to work....I need to choose a protocol and evaluate its performance(I have to test the code in NS-2) with some other protocol...
I have chosen SMT protocol in MANET and first my guide told me to get the code for it.....so can anyone help me in getting started.....I have searched for the code but couldn't get it!!!!!
I have studied an IEEE paper on SMT protocol........quite easy to understand but how to start with it?
please help me
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