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About Enochulous

  • Birthday 04/07/2000

Profile Information

  • Location
    Washington State
  • Interests
    Neuroscience, Video Games, Music
  • College Major/Degree
    Still in High School
  • Favorite Area of Science

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Lepton (1/13)



  1. I think Ive a detailed way to make this device possible. Ive been doing research for 6 months now. Is anyone interested with hearing my conclusions about how to make this device? Im an inexperienced person in Neuroscience and the use of Microwaves but I came up with logical ideas and possible solutions for this project. I want to gather a team to help create this. I can't do all this by myself because my lack of knowledge and experience. Im prepared for criticism and disencouraging comments. I do want to collaborate and take some action on this. I don't have much knowledge but I think its enough to get this to a starting point
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