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About Ryoken

  • Birthday 07/29/1986

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  • Location
    Hamilton, On, Canada
  • Interests
    Anything requiring thinking.
  • Favorite Area of Science
  • Biography
    Newly found love of science.
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  • Meson

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  1. This would just advance the gap in disparity between the rich and the poor. The rich would have better babies, the poor would become more menial. You can use your imagination for what would eventually happen.
  2. going for that 20th percentile?
  3. Ahh... Such as: Blike Suckz
  4. Looking back on the beginning of this thread... I cannot help but laugh. Have you learned a leson blike?
  5. Ryoken

    Is there a Santa?

    ROFL! When I first read the post i thaught you were talkign about SATAN! LOL, its so cunfising if you replace all of the santa's with satan's... and way more interesting! lol Blike seemed really upset with the prosepect of Satan not existing I thaught to myself...
  6. Ryoken


    http://www.mindfully.org/ Take a look, seems like an honest site.
  7. PCs have a different style of RPGs; Black Ise games, Morrowind, MMORPGs Oh, and most console->PC ports suck, because the PC audiance has been weened on and enjoys a different kind of gaming experiance. For example; Metal Gear Solid (very good game) vs. Ghost Recon, Metal Gear is more science fiction, has a good story but the gameplay is not the style I enjoy, on the other hand, Ghost Recon has the realism and awsome gameplay (be it a diferent/better type) Anyways, why do PC rpg suck? Final Fantasy is fine, massive, exhilarating... but compared to making your own party and kickin ass D&D style in Baldur's. You just can't compare the two, its almost like a different genre.
  8. Yes, fafalone is correct.
  9. Smash some atoms; I assume.
  10. No, I suppose no one is. Its just psychology, why do people some people live withought spending an extra penny while others max out every credit card they have, fancy name is all.
  11. Heh, dressing up like that would surely lighten things up! First of all, what age group is this presentation for? And I can't help but wonder if you your presentation will be taking place within the month of June, this being the end of the school year, not leaving excess time for completion of any suggestions made here. But better late than never. Perhaps making a handout containing the entire human genome sequence... just to give a sense of scale. And then calculating how much mass % of an average redwood tree the amout of paper in one handout would be.
  12. Well, my couzin is 23, and he went backpacking across europe for 4 months (slthough i would call it buming, because he was basically a smelly bum with a huge packpack for that time). And i trust in his opinion. Although my opinion on beer is not very high.
  13. Hahaha. Your beer is superior to the usa's, but it is not superior to German (so says my couzin).
  14. Holy chiza! What univeristy do you go to?! And that american dollars? crazy... One of the best (top 10) canadian universities costs half that amount per year, Canadian!
  15. Good, because calc is a mystery to me too. What is the basic consept of calc that makes it so important/useful?
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