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Frank Martin DiMeglio

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  1. Bye Bye idiots. You can't be that stupid, but you are definitely an ass.
  2. The Sun's density being about one-fourth that of Earth IS consistent with the concepts of TIME, TIME dilation, the fourth dimension, F=MA, AND WHAT IS E=MC2, AS gravity/acceleration involves WHAT IS BALANCED inertia/inertial resistance; AS the stars AND PLANETS are POINTS in the night sky; AS the rotation of WHAT IS THE MOON matches the revolution; AS WHAT IS E=MC2 is taken directly from F=MA; AS TIME is NECESSARILY possible/potential AND actual ON/IN BALANCE. Great. I have CLEARLY proven WHAT IS the fourth dimension. I have CLEARLY solved WHAT IS the coronal heating "problem". INDEED, consider what is THE EYE; AS two AND three dimensional SPACE are BALANCED in accordance WITH WHAT IS the fourth dimension !!!! GREAT !!!! NOW, consider sphericity. Consider WHAT ARE neutron stars. Consider what is a galaxy. Consider what is lightning. Consider what are galactic jets. Excellent !!!! Consider WHAT ARE supergiant stars. Finally, consider WHAT ARE OBJECTS; AND piece it ALL together. It ALL CLEARLY does make perfect sense. Think. (BALANCE AND completeness go hand in hand.) By Frank Martin DiMeglio .
  3. A galaxy is invisible AND visible SPACE in fundamental equilibrium AND BALANCE. There is no dark matter. DIMEGLIO SURPASSES NEWTON AND EINSTEIN: TIME is NECESSARILY possible/potential AND actual ON/IN BALANCE. INDEED, consider what is the fourth dimension; AS the stars AND PLANETS are POINTS in the night sky; AS two AND three dimensional SPACE are BALANCED; AS SPACE is (CLEARLY) proven to be electromagnetic/gravitational ON/IN BALANCE !!!! Consider TIME AND time dilation ON BALANCE, AS gravity/acceleration involves what is BALANCED inertia/inertial resistance; AS the rotation of WHAT IS THE MOON matches the revolution; AS WHAT IS THE MOON will (and does) move away very, very, very slightly in relation to WHAT IS THE EARTH/ground !!!! TIME dilation is CLEARLY and necessarily proven to be electromagnetic/gravitational ON/IN BALANCE !!!! (Consider TIME AND time dilation ON BALANCE.) This CLEARLY proves what is THE FOURTH dimension (ON BALANCE). Great. WHAT IS E=MC2 is taken directly from F=MA, AS gravity AND ELECTROMAGNETISM/energy are linked AND BALANCED opposites; AS the stars AND PLANETS are POINTS in the night sky. Consider TIME AND time dilation ON BALANCE, AS gravity/acceleration involves what is BALANCED inertia (inertial resistance); AS the rotation of WHAT IS THE MOON matches the revolution; AS WHAT IS THE MOON will (and does) move away very, very, very slightly in relation to WHAT IS THE EARTH/ground !!!! Fantastic !!!!! (TIME is NECESSARILY possible/potential AND actual ON/IN BALANCE.) GREAT. TOTAL GENIUS. TOTAL PERFECTION. By Frank Martin DiMeglio
  4. A four dimensional SPACE is (CLEARLY) electromagnetic/gravitational ON/IN BALANCE (consistent WITH TIME AND TIME dilation). UNDERSTANDING TIME DILATION AND WHAT IS THE FOURTH DIMENSION: The average density of the Sun being roughly one-quarter that of Earth is consistent with the fourth dimension and the equations E=mc^2 and F=ma, AS gravity/acceleration involves WHAT IS BALANCED inertia/inertial resistance consistent WITH TIME, TIME dilation, AND WHAT IS the fourth dimension !!!! Indeed, the stars AND PLANETS are POINTS in the night sky. The fourth dimension IS consistent WITH two AND three dimensional SPACE in fundamental equilibrium AND BALANCE. Excellent !!!! (INDEED, consider WHAT IS THE EYE. GREAT !!!!) TIME IS NECESSARILY possible/potential AND actual ON/IN BALANCE !!!! By genius Frank Martin DiMeglio
  5. Vision begins invisibly inside the eye/body. The distance in/of space is still balanced and constant in the case of both spaces. The gravity and inertia are fundamentally balanced in both cases (the falling man and the man standing upright on the Earth/ground).
  6. WHY THE FALLING MAN FEELS NO GRAVITY The ultimate unification of physics balances being and experience. The falling man feels no gravity but is experiencing acceleration. The man standing upright on the Earth/ground experiences full gravity as it is seen, felt, AND touched. This involves fully visible space and full distance in/of space as it is seen, felt, and touched. So, gravity and inertia are balanced in each case; as the gravity is understood as the acceleration is. Accordingly, the feeling of gravity is also understood as a balanced inertial resistance. The balanced inertia and gravity are understood as having increased together. This means that the experience of these two spaces are fundamentally in balance in relation to inertia and gravity. Again, we want to balance being and experience; so vision (it is visible) beings invisibly inside the body/eye. Therefore, with the man standing upright on the Earth/ground, he is experiencing distance and no distance in/of space visibly and invisibly in balanced fashion in relation to both spaces and in relation to both inertia and gravity. The invisible distance in/of space and the visible distance in/of space are the same distance fundamentally, and they are both in balance in relation to both inertia and gravity. The distance in/of space is still balanced and constant in the case of both spaces. The gravity and inertia are fundamentally balanced in both cases (the falling man and the man standing upright on the Earth/ground). Again, we want to balance being and experience in the ultimate unification and understanding of physics.
  7. The BODY/bodily experience may be visible or invisible in dreams. Accordingly, bodily/visual experience is invisible and visible in balance in dreams. (Vision begins invisibly inside the eye/body.) The eye is invisible and visible. Your experience of your eye is invisible, and yet the dome of another person's eye is visible as well. The eye/body has the dual properties of visibility and invisibility in balance. Dreams balance being and experience. Dream involve fundamentally equivalent and balanced attraction and repulsion. Dream are a linked center of body experience that combine, balance, and include opposites. Dream experience is consistent with bodily (INCLUDING visual) experience. Bodily/visual experience in dreams involves visible and invisible space in balance. Dream experience is possible/potential and actual in balance consistent with the experience of the middle distance in/of space and the fact that we are conscious and alive in conjunction with the fundamental experience of our growth and becoming other than we are. Accordingly, dreams balance conscious and unconscious experience; and dreams balance being and experience as well. It all makes sense, and there is no getting around it. Therefore, dream experience and waking experience are fundamentally related and they are fundamentally linked; and yet they are separate experiences as well. The manifestation that is (and that involves) our growth and becoming other than we are is real. It exists. That is undeniable. This involves a transcendent and overall mastery of physics/physical experience. My position is consistent, clear, and complete. It all makes sense. The so-called dream "experts" do not know how dreams are possible. They do not know what they are. They cannot even coherently and accurately describe and understand dream experience as it is. I have explained how dreams are possible, and I have explained what they are (and must be). Also, the physics of dreams proves what they really and actually are. To say that dreams are a creation of thought is unintelligible and false. It does not provide answers. My proofs, truths, and facts provide answers. Discuss what is presented here. Do not evade and deny it all without any basis in fact whatsoever. 137 views of this thread so far, and nobody has been able to find any errors, inconsistencies, or incompleteness. Great !
  8. Phi for All: It is much easier to be critical than correct. If it is so wrong and insubstantial, which it clearly is not, then you can tell me what is wrong with it. Good luck. You can't. Invisible bodily/visual experience (the eye) is fundamentally averaged and balanced with visible bodily/visual experience. Accordingly, the space is semi-detached in relation to touch in the experience of the middle distance in/of space. The physics of dreams proves what they are. That is evidence. It is clearly proven. It all makes sense. Also, in dreams, there is a maximum of half of the feeling/touch that is experienced while waking and standing. That is solid and real proof as well. We all grow and originate at/from the center of the human body. So, I want to hear from you exactly why it is all wrong. Be honest. It is correct.
  9. Bodily/visual experience in dreams is invisible and visible in balance. Dream experience is semi-detached in relation to touch/tactile experience. Dreams are more like thought, thereby improving upon memory and understanding. Dream experience is that of the middle distance in/of space. Dreams are not a creation of thought. It is the invisible eye/body that experiences television (full electromagnetism), as television is fully detached from touch/tactile experience. Television is fully like thought, as it is a creation of thought. The distance in/of space in the experience of television is ELIMINATED/flattened. We are out of touch with reality in the experience of television in any event. Given the fully visible body in the experience of full gravity, the experience of the Earth/ground is not detached in relation to touch/tactile experience. The Earth/ground is fully visible. Full gravity is full distance in/of space as it is seen, felt, AND touched. (Consider the range of gravitational feeling.) Invisible and visible space in fundamental equilibrium and balance is the middle distance in/of space consistent with half gravity and half inertia. Dreams balance possible/potential and actual experience. Dream experience is necessarily that of the middle distance in/of space consistent with the fact that it is semi-detached in relation to touch/tactile experience. Dreams involve ultimately and fundamentally equivalent and balanced gravity, inertia, and electromagnetism (half gravity and half inertia). Dream experience is between (and in the middle of) our experiences of full gravity and full electromagnetism. Dreams are a linked center of body experience. Dreams balance being and experience, and dreams balance conscious and unconscious experience. The space in dreams is stretched/expanded and contracted/flattened on balance. Dreams involve how a larger space is made smaller and how a smaller space is made larger (on balance). In dreams, we are conscious and alive in conjunction with the fundamental experience of our growth and becoming other than we are. There is no outsmarting the genius of dreams. The space in dreams is invisible and visible in fundamental equilibrium and balance consistent with half gravity and half inertia. This is the experience of the middle distance in/of space consistent with space that is semi-detached in relation to touch/tactile experience. Accordingly, dreams involve balanced and maximum middle strength force/energy feeling/touch consistent with instantaneity and the experience of the middle distance in/of space. The ability of thought to describe or reconfigure sensory experience is ultimately dependent upon the extent to which thought is similar to sensory experience. This applies to both dreams and television. Dreams are fundamentally described and understood. Television is a form or manifestation of extended dream vision as waking vision. By Author Frank Martin DiMeglio
  10. Consider the following in telescopic/astronomical observations in relation to the redshift: The space is stretched/expanded AND contracted/flattened. MORE is seen at once over [comparatively] a larger/greater distance, and this ALSO involves/constitutes a [comparatively] smaller distance in/of space in order to be able to see/survey such enormous distance at once. The space is stretched/expanded AND contracted/flattened. This clearly relates to and involves gravity/gravitational effect. The cosmological redshift is a gravitational redshift. The increased/increasing invisibility of the space does relate to the increased visibility of the space, and then to the increased gravity and inertia as well. We have to consider how these observations (and the redshift) are fundamentally possible given the laws of physics.
  11. These are the ideal theoretical requirements of quantum gravity. Notice that this gives us much more than quantum gravity, doesn't it? The true requirements of quantum gravity are: 1) Invisible and visible space in fundamental equilibrium and balance. 2) Fundamentally balanced and equivalent attraction and repulsion. 3) A space that is stretched/expanded and contracted/flattened in balance. 4) Fundamentally and ultimately equivalent and balanced gravity, inertia, and electromagnetism. (See how this is fundamentally consistent with 2) ? 5) What is the middle distance in/of space. 6) A larger space is made smaller, and (on balance) a smaller space is made larger. 7) Fundamentally equivalent and balanced gravity and inertia (i.e., half gravity and half inertia). This is a very important (and correct) thread. See how all of these ideas are consistent? Again, it is an important thread. Ask questions please. I know more about all of this. Thanks. If something is wrong with it. What is it?
  12. The bodily/visual experience of the eye is touched and not touched. An eye is an eye. It is semi-detached in relation to touch/tactile experience. Your eye is invisible, another person's eye is visible. This invisible middle distance may be also understood as a visible middle distance (as an equivalent visible distance). What I am saying here is that fully visible, full gravity, and full distance may be also understood as the middle distance in/of space by adding half gravity. Full inertia is the experience of fully invisible space that is entirely detached and fully removed from touch/tactile experience. Outer space is full inertia. Invisible and visible space in fundamental equilibrium and balance is the middle distance in/of space consistent with half gravity and half inertia. Outer space is/involves full inertia (fully invisible). The Earth/ground involves/is/represents the real experience of full gravity (fully visible). It all makes sense. This is great physics. Move it out of the trash can.
  13. Mordred and ajb and the Site Administrator: The body is subject to the laws of physics. This is top down thinking. The integrated extensiveness of thought(s) is improved in the truly superior mind. Mathematics involves relatively narrow thinking. This is clearly correct, consistent, and complete already. That is clear. None of you are discussing the content of what I have written here. If it is incorrect, then please show me why. You will not, in fact, be able to. This is a very serious and most fundamental/foundational work in physics that took many years to perfect and complete. Please, let's show respect, effort, seriousness, and consideration here. The understanding here is clear, most fundamental, and proven (theoretically and observationally). Here is a visual picture/understanding (and proof) of this that you will readily understand. We are considering bodily/visual experience here as a balance of being and experience (seen, felt, and touched). We want to consider inertia and gravity and distance in/of space in relation to all of this. Extend your arm directly in front of you and look straight ahead eye-to-eye with another person. The bodily/visual experience of the eye is invisible and visible in balance as the experience of the middle distance in/of space. This is consistent with half gravity and half inertia. The eye is semi-detached in relation to touch/tactile experience. The visible arm extends to a middle distance, and the visual experience of the visible dome of another person's eye is visible up to/at a middle distance. Here is the key. The fully visible body extends to full distance (twice the distance) in conjunction with fully visible space, full gravity, and the experience of space that is attached in relation to touch/tactile experience. MAGNIFICENT. Full gravity is full distance in/of space as it is seen, felt, AND touched. Fully visible, full distance, attached, full gravity. JACKPOT. This unification of physics is quantitatively and mathematically correct. Full distance, middle distance, zero distance. Look up at night. Comparatively, full inertia is the fully eliminated experience of distance in/of space. This is, in fact, predicted by my explanation; and this is also consistent with my explanation. Outer space is full inertia that is fully detached and fully removed from our direct EXPERIENCE (seen, felt, and touched). Outer space is fully invisible. Being and experience are fully and entirely eliminated when we are in and experiencing outer space (full inertia) as it is. We are considering bodily/visual experience as a balance of/involving being and experience. In fact, there is (and there can be) no direct/real/full/true/actual experience of outer space as it is. This is what is meant by being "out of touch" with reality. This is a very real and fundamental unification of physics. I expect and deserve full and proper treatment of my ideas and person here. The Earth/ground is fully visible and involves full gravity. It is attached in relation to touch/tactile experience. Look down at the fully visible Earth/ground. Thank you for your honest, kind, thorough, and competent treatment/handling of my ideas in your forthcoming replies. This is not a joke, nor is it an opportunity to ridicule me and my ideas unfairly and unprofessionally. Please, do not evade and disregard these ideas. Thank you. I appreciate it. By Frank Martin DiMeglio
  14. First of all, there is a wealth of valuable physics here. You have to really think about it. There is a ton of meaning here. The relative increase in inertia (to half inertia and half gravity) is reducing the visual/visible and tactile experience by half (to a MIDDLE DISTANCE experience of space). The bodily/visual experience of the eye is invisible and visible in balance. Accordingly, the eye/body is semi-detached in relation to touch/tactile experience in conjunction with the experience of the MIDDLE DISTANCE in/of space and half gravity and half inertia. Full gravity is FULL DISTANCE in/of space as it is seen, felt, and touched. Fully visible, full distance in/of space, full gravity, and fully attached in relation to touch/tactile experience. There is a balance of being and experience here as well. Watch someone touch the top of their fully visible head/body with their fully visible hand. The fully visible body extends a full distance to the fully visible Earth/ground. Seen, felt, and touched, the experience is then that of full distance in/of space consistent with a balance of being and experience and fully visible space with full gravity. Great point here ! The bodily/visual experience of full gravity involves a balanced and proportionate increase/extension of the space (by half) to fully visible space in balance with full gravity and the fully visible Earth/ground. Full inertia (outer space) is fully removed and fully detached in relation to our touch/tactile experience. Vision/visibility requires that space be invisible and visible. Outer space is fully invisible. We cannot naturally and comparatively have any visual experience of/in outer space. It fully eliminates our touch/tactile experience. The Earth/ground is opaque (and fully visible). Our direct and full experience of outer space eliminates distance in/of space entirely, consistent with the progression that is successfully identified herein. Remember, full distance in/of space is balanced with the middle distance in/of space. Invisible and visible space in fundamental equilibrium and balance is the middle distance in/of space consistent with half gravity and half inertia. Imagine this going from middle distance to full distance in conjunction with fully visible space, full gravity, and space that is attached (and not semi-detached) in relation to touch/tactile experience. Great ! This is a major and fundamental breakthrough in physics.
  15. Full gravity is full distance in/of space as it is seen, felt, AND touched. (Consider the range of gravitational feeling. Just stand up and look directly downward at the fully visible Earth/ground.) This involves a balance of being and experience with fully visible space and full distance in/of space. Space is attached in relation to touch/tactile experience. Note: the Earth/ground is opaque. Look directly overhead at night. Full inertia is outer space. Notice that it is fully detached and fully removed in relation to our touch/tactile experience. Outer space is fully invisible. The direct/full/actual/real/true experience of outer space as it is entirely destroys, eliminates, and precludes our being, experience (seen, felt, and touched), and thought. Distance in/of space is then ZERO. The bodily/visual experience of the eye is invisible and visible in balance. It is semi-detached/removed in relation to touch/tactile experience. The eye may be touched. The eye may not be touched. The eye is detached from touch/tactile experience. The eye is not detached from touch/tactile experience. Importantly, invisible and visible space in fundamental equilibrium and balance IS (logically, clearly, and fundamentally) the MIDDLE distance in/of space consistent with half gravity and half inertia. This space does have the property of visibility. This space is between (and in the MIDDLE of) full inertia (outer space, fully invisible) and full gravity (the fully visible Earth/ground).
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