Hi all,
I'm a clinical medical physicist with limited chemistry knowledge and I'm hoping you guys can point me in the right direction with my problem.
A new treatment, radium dichloride (223 Ra), is being rolled out across my country but I'm unsure that the risks to staff have been properly managed. If you didn't already know, 223 Ra is an alpha emitting source and hence very dangerous if inhaling or ingesting.
My main concern is whether the radium / radium dichloride could evaporate or vapourise from the solution in the event of a spill. I've tried finding data for it's vapour pressure as I believe this to be a useful metric in answering the question. I've only found one value from a dubious looking source.
I'm hoping that radium dichloride acts like sodium chloride in that it stays behind in the solution while the water evaporates but I need to be able to prove that and I'm uncertain of how to proceed.
I'm sorry if this isn't clear, please feel free to ask questions to improve the clarity of the problem.
Best Wishes,