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Everything posted by paleolithic

  1. I saw this too, did you read the posts in reply to that story on yahoo? I can't believe the idiocy of those people who read yahoo news and post on everything non-christian, the racist bigots. As to the actual story, I believe Bonobos are very similar to Homo-Sapiens, but if they want to see the nature of the apes, they shouldn't observe them in "cages". They should view them in their natural habitat to observe their nature, rather than observing their behavior in some sort of prison. Creating a more domesticated environment like that of domesticated humans however will show a reaction similar to that of a domesticated human. I hope they will only be studying Bonobos born domesticated rather than born wild.
  2. Thanks a lot everybody, I'll get on those immediately.
  3. Yes actually, I do. My dad has diabetes, his dad has diabetes, my grandfather on the other side of my family has diabetes.
  4. Morality is simply what we are trained to think, there is no such thing as right or wrong, they were simply created by domesticated humans. Morality is as real/fake as religion. If you hit or reprimand a dog every time it goes inside, it is going to think it is bad to go inside. It will eventually either get nervous and scared everytime it goes inside (behind your back). Or avoid it entirely. I believe the way I do because I believe morality is essentially baseless.
  5. Does anybody know of any good reading material on the electromagnetic field theory? Internet, books, articles, anything?
  6. I'd love a combined Anthropology section (physical, cultural, linguistic, paleo, applied, etc)
  7. Well there were many other empires from other regions that were technologically advanced, there were the Ghurkas from nepal. The Japanese and Chinese were also pretty advanced, and I don't know if Egypt or the Middle East is considered europe. I think it's Asia, right?
  8. Anthropology is fascinating to me wish I was B.C.
  9. You said it all for me.
  10. Anybody got any razor blades? HA! not all the 1984 references were taken.
  11. Martial law, what a great liberation. The reason these people hate america is because the west has been screwing them for the past 50-60 years, invading them would only motivate their hatred even more.
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