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Everything posted by sabretooth

  1. Thanks for the posts guys and String I did read that factsheet before and have come to the conclusion these ozone air purifiers are a big scam in my opinion . Trust me mississippichem no more ozone for me I only ran it in my car once and will never do that again. What seemed strange about this ozone stuff is that the car seemed to smell toxic after the temperature dropped as if the cold started the reaction or it could just be coincidence and this was two months after I ran the thing. The car's been parked since then and you couldn't pay me enough to go back in there. This damp indicator paper test for my phone is there something I should look for after I put it in a zip-lock?
  2. Does anyone at least know of a labroratory I'd be able to send my phone to so I could find out exactly what these toxic fumes are that are coming from my phone since using that ozone air purifier or a way I'd be able to test the car or my phone myself?
  3. OK I'm not much of a scientist but thought this would be a good site to ask what other peoples thoughts are on what ozone from ozone generators does to plastic and sorry ahead of time if I posted this in the wrong forum. Basically I used an ozone generator in my car not thinking anything could go wrong since the only warnings that came with the generator was not to be around it while it's on and then properly ventilate the area after and that they are safe to use indoors and in a car to get rid of tobacco smells and other things like killing mould, but now I strongly, strongly believe the ozone has caused some kind of reaction with the plastic in my car and even on my phone, jacket and shoes causing some toxic offgassing. I know this might sound crazy but I am positive in my mind that this has happened and have read online that ozone can degrade plastic and cause VOC's and offgassing to emit after an ozone generator has been used in a home. So basically I wanted to ask what could this stuff be and could it be hydrogen chloride gas? because whatever is coming off my phone really burns my eyes, ears and skin and after doing research I'm starting to really think this is hydrogen chloride gas by the burning feeling that I'm getting and this is months after using the generator once in my car. I also wanted to know if there is a laboratory I might be able to send my phone to so I could find out if my theory is correct. If anyone can chime in with any idea's I would greatly appreciate it and I can answer any question's about my experience.
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