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Everything posted by Undulationer

  1. lol I meant not all of the water, plus some of it might be highly radioactive. We can use it overtime for colonizing the solar system.
  2. Assuming that we can wormhole safe water from the moons onto Earth.
  3. Lets assume we as humankind can, not only wormhole the spacecraft, but planets and moons. So, what would've happened to Earth if we pulled Europa to be Mars's third moon? What if we moved Titan in between Mars and Jupiter, setting it to orbit the Sun just like a planet. What would've happened to us? I'm also interested on how many of those small moons we can make to orbit Mars, Earth and/or Titan? Such as Iapetus,Rhea,Enceladus,Tethys and Dione. I'm interested in this cause, if we moved those filled with ice moons closer to the sun, we might use our flaming torch to melt it down. If we at first, travel them through portal like structures next to Venus. We can heat it up, so it melts faster for calculated time and then send it back towards Mars. Iapetus & Rhea are roughly 1/2 the diameter of the moon. Tethys and Dione about 1/3rd the moon's radius. 363,104 km is from the center of Earth to the center of Moon. Which sized moon will be the safest to orbit our planet and how far (roughly) it must be located from the Moon? I know that our satellite keeps moving away tiny bit year by year. Just to make sure that it will be there till we gather all data on undiscovered elements, use full capacity of water, finishing of with a high tech too dangerous for Earth lab on the surface. PS: assuming that we can wormhole safe water from the moons onto Earth
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