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  • Lepton

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  1. yeah, its a small tube made from a PET bottle. H20 + NaCl was the solution put in.
  2. Ok, i hooked it up to some electricity and it didnt work maybe the salt bridge is too small? what do you guys think.. it was just suposed to be a "prototype" improvised from some old pipe and a PET bottle. The power supply was 5V at 13A and i used carbon electrodes from a lantern battery.
  3. how did he fill the balloon up ? i find that the hardest.
  4. earthquakes, volcanoes, water errosion...there are many contributers!
  5. haydz


    kryptionite is not a real.. its just tv crap
  6. Anybody know what the bluey greeny stuff underneath the Fe203 is? edit: found out its iron hydroxide
  7. thats weird because im using a 9v AC adapter and it seems to work fine?
  8. hello! im new so dont be to tough on me i want to fill ballons up with hydrogen and oxygen (because its easier) and ive modified a 1.5 litre coke bottle so that 2 carbon rods are sticking into it. then all i have to do is add water and an electrolyte and hook it up to some electricity and put a balloon on the mouth. but this takes a ridiculous amounts of time to even fill the balloon up (not even till its standing up) so my question is, if i hook up the rods to the wall outlet via an old cord, will this speed it up alot? enough to fill a balloon within half an hour? ive tried adding more electrolytes (mainly NaCl) but it hasnt made much of a difference at all. so will my idea work? or is there an easier way to do this. (btw i dont have enough HCl or any acid, and Mg or other metal to do it this way.) thanks!
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