I have been pondering various elements of string/M theory and have become fascinated by the required additional dimensions. As I understand for the theory to be viable, there must be between 9, 11 or even 25 coexisting dimensions; including our familiar dimensions of height,width, legnth and spacetime. The remaining dimensions are something of a mystery, as they dont share any of the properties of those we all know. How in essence, would one even begin to describe them?!
I understand there may be entire dimensions the size of an atom, and others crumpled on themselves like a piece of paper. That, or even dimensions which are unseen "base requirements" for our known 4 dimensional reality, i.e. separate yet converging dimensions that make up "legnth" or "height" for example. There really is no known method of describing these extra dimensions in detail, much less proving their existence. That all said, I would be interested as to others ideas on how these dimensions interact, and how they could be accurately described.
On that note, I've always liked the idea that perhaps there is an underlying dimension consisting solely of energy, which interacts/influences with all other dimensions, allowing everything from the expansion of space to the movements of electrons and positrons. After all, without energy our universe would an entirely static and empty void. Simularly perhaps a Higgs boson type dimension could exist that adds mass to everything (the particle itself perhaps being a physical byproduct of the interaction). I imagine the extra dimensions would involve similar thinking, if they can even be fruitfully pondered by our finite minds!
All ideas are certainly welcome!