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  1. I've been reading up on piezoelectric materials; they're fascinating. I'm curious what the consensus is on the subject of using them in not merely creating artificial limbs for wounded war vets, but actually better protecting them from harm and enhancing their strength and endurance on the battlefield. War is exhausting, and tired soldiers make deadly mistakes. I'm guessing there would have to be a super-efficient on-board power supply. Several years back, I read some articles on super capacitors. As of my typing this, I've not read anything more on the subject, though I'll run a search after I post this. Anyhow, would those be suitable? (Pun!) And barring that, what other options might exist? What advances are presently being investigated? Another thought: portable energy weapons. Something perhapse as simple as the sort of sonic weapons the military is currently perfecting or even something more scifi like laser cannons. Using energy as ammunition would further reduce carry load, allowing the suit's physical power to be used for clearing debris for the unarmored troops, etc. Anyway, just knocking around some thoughts. Thanks, folks.
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