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Everything posted by kos

  1. Ok it's nice answer but can you make it a little bit more exact by some equations or some calculus ? What does it mean this "very small" and "very close " "and very large mass" . I don't expect some very exact values cause I know task seems to be quite impossible even for NASA engeneers so I need nothing more than an approximation.Please excuse me and please don't be angry I just study engineering physics and I need a little bit more numbers.And please excuse my bad english but it's my third language ! Thank you in advance
  2. Any time we talk about some subject its always the same . The discussion goes to the wrong direction. Limitations about telescopes , about networks , about computing power , about refraction, atmospheric conditions e t.c . .. I don't care them. The question is how does every gravitational pool of any object between the surveillancing aliens and our technique distort the original image coming from their distant planet for instance situated at the other end of the Milky way galaxy or in the begining of the open cluster of some other galaxies ? If that will help you I show you this interactive map . https://in-the-sky.org/ngc3d.php
  3. My question is about the topic on the title. See first the original article. So My speculative question on the subject is in the sphere of Einstein General relativity applying to the problem. So we all now know that when light passes close to some massive objects its path is slightly changed from its original trajectory.That's called deflection. So How will this phenomena of light deflection due to ceaselessly moving different kinds of masses of different objects like stars planets galaxies clusters et.c . THROUGH spacetime continium constantly wraping its curvature in different manners eventually obscure our observation of aliens on their remote distant planet via our future telescope networks as the paths of photons constructing the image will follow the lines of this constantly changing wraped continium.My critical thinking shows that the result should be some kind of total mess rest from the original image we pretend to observe shouldnt it ?
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