This question may sound a bit irrational. But, I need to clear the air first. I suffer from a severe case of Obsessive compulsive Disorder. and I worry about the most simple things, however, benign they may be. And, I also Smoke. And I shouldn't be smoking, its bad for health..blah..blah..I know that...but I need Answers to this Question from an anatomical point of view. I don't need any personal suggestions.
So, the question is that, I probably got a lighter flame inside my external nares, while lighting a cigarette, my friend was holding the lighter, and he tilted it a bit, and the flame was set to high length..So, it got into my nose.
Now, I feel perfectly fine, but, since, I suffer from OCD, I can't stop thinking about it. I have this Delusion that It might have damaged/injured my skull base.
Now, theoretically, speaking, how plausible is that, a lighter flame inside a nose, can reach up to the skull base? I mean, is there a straight passage up to the skull base? Or, will the turbinates inside the nose, obstruct the flame from reaching the skull base?
And also, if somehow, Theoretically speaking, flame damages the skull base, and causes a perforation in the skull base, exposing the brain. Can someone survive this condition, living with a hole in the skull? Would it be extremely painful? From what I have heard, burns and injuries from Fires are painless, since they destroy all the pain receptors?
Please, respond...ASAP...I am just over thinking this alot...