Immortality is possible:
I believe that physical immortality is possible through a variety of medical techniques, probably utilizing nanotechnology. But it would need constant maintenance, so the 'floating bored in space' scenario is impossible. However, I am more concerned with the affects that immortality would have on the world.
Immortality’s affects on the world:
As long as civil society has existed their have been rich people and poor people. Some having many million times the wealth and power of others. But with modern democracy, the rich have less power over the poor than they used to. But if immortality was put into the picture, only the extremely powerful could afford it.(Because obviously there aren't enough resources to sustain immortality in large populations) This would change the way the world worked. All of the immortal rich would lead the world and the poor mortals would become little more than slaves. Imagine a tyrannical dictator, such as Stalin or Saddam, who thought nothing of his people and oppressed all beneath him. Now imagine a tyrannical dictator who is immortal and cannot be overthrown because he has been setting up methods of defense for centuries. The general population would become slaves, who would be forced to obey whatever laws were set, even if no one thought them just. Is that the kind of life you wish for our descendants?
Immortal tyrants inevitable:
If immortality becomes possible, do you think that there is way that the above scenario will not occur? Perhaps we will have good immortal world-leaders in the beginning. But they will eventually be overthrown in time. Unless, of course, they oppress the population. But by doing that they would become tyrants anyway. Leaders would come and go until one eventually clings to his power so hard that he stays in place and oppresses the population. Just like a pipe flowing until a large enough piece of grime clogs it. As long as people have some power they can remove their leader, but not if the leader takes away all of their power, oppressing them.
My reaction:
If I had the technology and the wealth to gain immortality not only would I not use it, I would use all of that technology and wealth and try with every fiber in my body to destroy it. Mortality is the only way human civilization can retain its stability.
Thank you for reading my thoughts on this. If you can think of any way physical immortality can co-exist with stable human society I would be interested in hearing your rebuttal.
- Illuminatus