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Everything posted by Epicurus

  1. Because he didn't travel into the future
  2. In a real scenario, you could simply run them along a wall. Nails and screws are made of ferrous metals, and concrete contains steel rebar. One will stick to the wall, one will not.
  3. I stumped it. It took a little bit, because it kept dodging, but I won. My question was : what do you know when what you know and what you think you know is what you didnt know when you knew it?
  4. I got all of them right. The second one took me approx. ten seconds before I realized it was a trick question. Lol.
  5. Plus, as the moderator points out, we are supposed to supply original thought, not links to videos or other people's opinions.
  6. I understand your desire to dismiss giving an explanation as to why this question should be answered, but I feel a certain amount of obligation to answer even the most mundane of questions, regardless of how annoying they are. If I knew that nobody believed this garbage anymore, I wouldn't have replied at all. That being said, science needs to be transparent, so everyone can understand and appreciate what our universe is really like. I hate to say it, but many people STILL believe that the world is only 6,000 years old, flat, and created in seven days, as well as this topic. I think it's sad, but many people give up on science because it's hard, confusing, and only meant for geniuses. Absolutely not true. It's everyone's responsibility in the scientific community to be able to shed light on these concepts. Just the phrase "scientific community" implies that not everyone can get it and use it. And here is someone trying to defend ACTUAL facts to someone peddling beliefs. I just feel that we should help someone in need.
  7. You are correct ONLY if you count along one side of the room, instead of two. If, however, you did that same equation (6+6+6+6+6=30) twice, you get you square. I used to be a Carpenter, so I handled this type of equation constantly. While 6*5=30, the actual equation you are performing is 6x5, meaning that each side of the square (assuming the room is square) must be multiplied by it perpendicular (X*Y)tthat's why the answer for area will always contain a power (squared, cubed, fouth, fifth, etc).
  8. I have yet to see the video, but from what I've read in these postings, it is something to the effect, "the Earth is the center of the universe". First; I'm surprised that nobody here has put forth an explanation refuting the aforementioned video. If I am correct in believing that their argument is a geocentric notion of the cosmos, then the answer is surprisingly simple: our tiny, little planet has neither the mass, nor size to have enough gravity to hold celestial bodies of such magnitude as the sun and Jupiter in an orbit around it. If this were true, life probably could never have existed at all due to the immense pressure created by the super massive gravity that it would take to perform such a feat. Also, there would be no liquid or gaseous water on our planet because the amount of gravitaional force would compress water into a constant, solid state, regardless of temperature. Second; any supermassive body capable of holding entire galaxies in synchronized orbit, i.e. a supermassive black hole, would never allow light to escape. This means that none of the pictures of our planet from space would exist. Since our eyes, and our cameras, rely on the visible spectrum of light to see an image or object, the light that reflects from our planet would never make it into space (just like in a black hole). Third, the speed at which our own moon circles our planet, and, assuming that we're accepting the physics of this video, our sun's "orbit" around us, would not be fast enough to keep them in orbit. Put plainly; all of the planets, moons, and our own sun, would be sucked into our planet, creating an even more massive body of matter. I hope this might help your argument, and if you need anything else, just reply.
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