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Everything posted by kranwan

  1. this is probably the most interesting "application" of the whole "idea" that emerges from the solution of the puzzle:
  2. does anyone know this puzzle and has seen a solution like the following before: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100008303142425 i hope it's ok to post it in this subforum. i will not try defend the puzzles ideological background nor comment on crowley himself, i'd just like to treat it AS IF IT WERE an actual puzzle. the original cipher / puzzle / riddle as found in the "liber al vel legis", respectively as it is traditionally multiplied (4638ABK24ALGMOR3YX2489RPSTOVAL) is "translated" into letters only, then into numbers only. i think the most important step is the "double translation". it brings up the question of how to treat the number 24 (as either the letter X or the letters B and D), and then the question of how to reunite the number- and letter part which are split at first. again, this is the "puzzle" i'm taking about: 4638ABK24ALGMOR3YX2489RPSTOVAL this is the "solution":
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