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Today i banned from 13 other forums. As you can see there is no freedom. They was killing us when we say "Earth is nott round, it is sphere shaped" and now they are deleting all of your theories and ideas You cant speak about 11 9 2001 Twin Towers and Pentagon. They suddenly bann you and delete it. First they saying "you must not speak" than they are banning you after you read their post. Some forums banned me even before i register. They said "this email adress blongs to a spammer" You already have anti spamm image code system, you just combining all forums in internet. If you get famous they just try to buy you. All forums are sold, facebook sold, youtube sold. Illuminati bought everything. They bought Ragnarök Online and killed it by changing combat system. They bought Exteel than closed the server, they said they are gaining not Enought money; but servers was full. All games suck bcause they will not make a perfect game. Games are for children, games are educating children. Adult man must not play games, he must work and adult women must sell their body to rich illuminati guy. So as you can see everything i write is getting locked. If i say something he is saying "where is your proof" than locking my topic. Do you know what? We will not work. We will even suicide bcause you took my wife. My sex partner leaved me bcause she found a richer husband. We are not working. Bcause there is no sex in our life. If i will not have sex than i will just wait. Waiting to death. Waiting for civil war. That illuminati guys, which one talking about science and human rights riding a car costs millions of dollars torturing poor females and recording that as a porn movie always lying and they are supporting teror organizations which one living outside of their country America helped to PKK and ISIS they just supporting genocide and than taking oil, gold BR etc Speaking is forbidden and they will delete this topic and bann me. I banned from all forums. All of rich people a member of illuminati. If you are rich you try to keep this system alive lie to people, tell them "men and women equal" "veganism is healthy" "sex is evil" "asexualism is better" "everyone else has AIDS, dont have sex" "living forever is imposible" "we dont have human clones" "aliens are not exist and they didnt built pyramids our searched for gold" "we are bisexual" "racism is wrong" (they also funding racism when they need to kill people; hitler was a illuminati member and used latest technology; and CIA is completely racist) Do you really think you can be happy in a world like this? Just have sex like an animal but you are trying to be god. We are not god, we just a life form which one needs sex. We dont even need technology, we dont even need to be smart. They are adding rotten meat inside of cheap meat and expensive meat made for rich people. So meat which one is cheap made for poor people and nobody cares what is in it. Keep lying and smiling, you know; all of us love you We are no more kid, we grew up and we felt capitalism. Truth is right here, we trying to escape but not working; even we are cant fool ourselves, truth is so obivious 11 9 2001 a god damn plane hit the pentagon Do you know, DARPA is Earth most perfect organization and they are watching every smile, plane, astroid on Earth and they are using secret technology. Many people think they are working with aliens bcause their buildings dont even have windows and they have sound surpassion; so you cant hear any sound from inside of building. If aliens are real than they are really stupid bcause they are not saving us and not destroying us Aliens want to help us but you are lying to them, you just smiling and being possitive, not really helping
Earth’s gravity was weaker. Moon was closer to Earth and it was weakening our gravitional energy field. If too many things resists against gravity, its gets weaker. Gravity has a distance based on its power. Stronger gravity has greater distance. Every atom has a gravitional field. You pull a fly with gravitional force and you pull dusts, water, paper with gravitional force too. Gravity is something about magnetic field. Positive and negative pulls each other. Gravity is neutral, bcause of that its pulls everything but its not strong as positive or negative power. Gravity comes from neurons, magnetic energy comes from proton electron. When moon is near to Earth it pulls seas, waters, oceans. So as you see gravity can be weaker if you pull it or resist to it. Sun and moon are pulling us; if we get released to empty space than our gravity will be stronger and we may die bcause of that. An astroid hit the moon and moon gone further away. Some people even saying moon doesnt have a core and we know inside of moon is unbalanced bcause it is always showing its same side, heavier side of moon getting pulled to Earth, bcause of that moon cannot turn around itself. As you can see when moon was near, we was have lower gravity and as moon gone away, all big creatures died. All deep sea creatures gone to surface bcause of pressure gain. Monkeys wasnt even exist. Than we evolved in that high gravity Earth. PROOF’S Dinosaur bones are weaker and dinosaur horns and spikes are really fragile. Dinosaurs have terrible balance. Dinosaurs have wings but that wings are really small. Giant bugs were exist. Giant sneaks were exist. Gigantic fishes were exist. Everything was bigger!! Trex have useless tiny arms, but this arms can be useful if gravity is weaker, they can keep T-rex in balance, while making quick turns. For decreasing gravity, we need more satellites bcause they suck Earth’s gravity while trying to escape from Earth. If we have more, heavier and more near satellites; we will lose gravity and we lose pressure and weight. Between two objects, there is a zero gravity zone. At this place there will be no gravity. If you exit Earth’s gravity and start joining to Moon’s gravity, you will feel that zero gravity zone. Magnetic power between “+ and –“ is equal to magnetic power between “+ and + plus neutral” or “– and – plus neutral”. As you see all atoms normally have a neutral magnetic power for pulling each other and this power always active. While + and + pushing each other, neutral power trying to pull and decreasing pushing power. While + and – pulling eact other, neutral gravity power pulling too and increasing pull force. Einstein said gravity is a force against our accelerating speed at 4th dimension. Bcause if there is no movement, than there must be no force. But there is gravity so we are moving to a direction which one we cant see and our movement getting faster bcause we are always feeling this gravity. Also people said if gravity is higher, time gets slower. If you move faster, time gets slower. Higher gravity means faster movement speed. Some scientists said universe is expanding and its expanding even more faster as time passes. So bcause of that expansion and its getting more faster, we have an endless gravity force; which one doesnt changing and its actually our stationary force. Looks like heavier objects moving faster while universe expanding bcause gravity force is stronger in heavier planets. Heavier planets have more parallel universes than smaller planets. So time is slow in this planets but gravity is stronger bcause of parallel universes. Big planets are causing lag in universe, they generating too many parallel universes and they moving slow in the time and they have too much gravity. If while running, we are not moving foward but universe is coming to us, as Einstein said; bcause of stationary force; than while atoms are moving, they are not moving but bending the universe. Think about it, 2 atoms puling each other and while doing that they are not moving but puling everything towards them. Than for solving universe we have to know, as we get bigger; universe is resisting to us more and moving is getting harder. While we are moving, we are ordering to universe come to us; if we are in empty space, after movement start we keep moving until something pulls us toward to it (by gravity field). So in universe if you moving to somewhere you will keep moving until you try to stop. So universe is doing what we say to it and doesnt stop doing it until we stop. Universe is expanding and this expansion getting faster. This causing gravity. Its caused bcause of “timeXparalel universes”. So universe is expanding bcause of time and expansion getting faster bcause of parallel universes. We have N. Than we have Na and Nb. Than now we have Na1 Na2 Nb1 Nb2, as you see we having more parallel universes as time passes. Universe is an experiment and it is a PC game. We have 3d universe with time and parallel universes and bcause of that gravity exist. Are light and other type of energies like heat are different dimensions?? If we can go to 5th dimension than will we be able to travel in time and parallel universes? If parallel universes are exist than i am, i am but why i am not another i am which one became prime minister in a different parallel universe?? Is speed of light changing? If universe is expanding than speed of light must get higher bcause if it not get higher it will not look same from our perception. Blackholes have gravity equal to speed of light. Bcause of that, in inside of a blackhole; time is frozen. If you enter to a blackhole than everything will move with lightspeed, when you leave the blackhole; there will be billions of years passed. So if you enter to in a blackhole, everything dies but you stay same; bcause of gravity, time becomes frozen and everything outside at blackhole will move with speed of light. If you go faster in time, gravity will feel weaker. If you go back to time, gravity will start push you away. Now i am thinking about UFO’s and how can they fly. They are sphere shaped and Einstein said if you turn around the Earth at speed of light, Earth can go backward in time. What if UFO’s ring turning around it with speed of light?? That causes UFO go to backward in time than it starts ascending. Gravity will push you away if you go backward in time and you will join to a parallel universe. Gravity is a response to time. Our stationary force is causing to gravity. So bcause of time is moving really fast and it is getting faster, we always have gravity, which one pushes us to Earth. Wait, i made a mistake.. Our planet moving faster than us in time. Bcause of that it is pushing us forward in time and we call that pushing effect gravity. In a bigger planet we will feel slower time and higher gravity. Bcause bigger planet moving even more faster in time and it is pushing us stronger so gravity is stronger. Bcause of big planet moving faster in time, it is sucking our time and causing us move slower in time. So time is like gravity and it can affect our time. A big planet will suck our time and cause bigger gravity and its core is moving faster than, Earth’s core. So if something moving fast in time, it will make you move slower in time. So fast time zones are sucking time from other zones and slowing time of its surroundings. Just like gravity is sucking gravity from around, time is sucking time its around. In empty space, nothing will suck our time and we will start moving with lightspeed; we will see everything is frozen. If we enter to blackhole, than we will get frozen and everything will start moving with lightspeed. Gravity and time is same thing. Time is causing gravity and gravity causing the time. Higher gravity slower time, weaker gravity is faster time. ANOTHER THEORY Neutrons causing gravity. In blackhole there is too much gravity and it is sucking our gravity. Bcause of blackhole sucking our gravity, our neutrons moving slower; so our atoms are moving slower, than time is passing slower. According to experiments electrons are moving slower than light and their speed is based on heat they have. So gravity and time can slow down electrons. As you can see in a higher gravity zone we are slower and time is slower. In empty space we are free, there is no gravity so time will move faster and we suddenly get old. Faster time is better for increasing population and advancing in technology. But in a no gravity space will we move with speed of light? No. Scientists said if you move with %90 of light speed time will be 3 times slower for you. As we move faster time gets slower and gravity slowing time too. Than potential energy we have slowing the time. Higher gravity will give you higher energy. Higher volecity will give you higher energy. As you have higher energy time is getting slower fo you. Heat is not effecting time speed. Heat is about light and radioactivity and nuclear energy and electricity. Heat is not about time. So time is something about weight, mass, neutrons, gravity. Higher gravity means slower time and higher weight. If we resist against gravity by flying or orbiting, than gravity will get weaker bcause it is trying to pull all of that flying objects and satellites. If mass of planet is equal to mass of satellites; than that planet will have no gravity and get torn apart, cracked. As you know gravity may destroy planets. If you put a planet middle of 2 star, than that stars will break this planet. So as you resist against Earth’s gravity, gravity of Earth is getting weaker. If we have trillions of space stations around Earth, that will seriously weaken Earth’s gravity. Bcause that space stations will pull Earth to them. As we can suck gravity and weaken it, we can suck time too. As we resist to gravity, time is becoming faster for us. And higher gravity slowing down us by sucking our own time. WHAT ARE ATOMS? Atoms are alive beings, they are smart and they have emotions. We are made by atoms. We using atoms for storing data and memory. We feeling and we are alive bcause atoms are feeling and they are alive. By combining death objects you cannot create an alive being. So something without life cannot create life. But something with life can create something not living. Atoms are always moving. Neutrons pulling protons and protons pulling electrons. Electrons moving with lightspeed bcause of that they dont have weight and they are orbiting around atom. If you bombard something by using electrons, that thing will become atomized. Bcause electrons are combining atoms, if all atoms have too many electrons they will detach to each other and matter will become atomized. Aliens may have this technology. Atoms always want to combine with each other and build confusing molecules. This is art. This is cooperativeness. So atoms dont like being alone and they want to be combined with each other. Humans hate being alone too. + and – pulling each other, like male and female doing. But female is possitive, while male is negative; bcause we seeking for them, and we are active, and we are energic while they are stationary and boring. However male is dominant and gender of baby comes from sperm. Energy is stored at electron. Gravity is stored at neutron. What is proton carrying? Proton maybe carrying information. If you heat electron will store that heat and electron will release this heat as light. Light can be infrared or radioactive. Atoms built first cell. Than they stored information with DNA’s. So atoms are alive and intelligent creatures and they have feelings. Every alive being fears from death. Nothing wants to die bcause they are controlling a confusing and big body. And when you die, you will turn to a simple molecule. You dont want to become a worm or bacteria, bcause of that you hate and fear death. You dont want to die bcause when you die, you will become a part of a random bacteria. So we are just atom and our memory is just some RNA and DNA. All alive beings have feelings and ideas as we have. Some of them have weak memory, some of them stupid but they acting like us. Complex animals like dogs, dolphins, octopus, elephants, monkeys, gorillas can understand us and can teach things to us. Many dogs can understand human language and secretly listens you. Gorillas can understand sign (deaf) language. Dolphins can understand us and fool us. We are a computer. A hamster is just a cellphone. They are something like us but we are smarter. Bcause of that veganism is wrong, bcause when you eat something that thing becomes a part of your body or turns to manure. A scientist never defends veganism bcause plants have feelings, they can feel pain and they are most gentle and fairy beings of earth. So respect to plants and dont eat them bcause they are clearing the air, which one poisoned by us. If we work on universal psychology, we can understand emotions of atoms and we may even control and communicate with atoms. IS WOMEN EQUAL TO MEN? Women are born with 2 million eggs and when they are 14 they have 300.000 eggs remaining. So women have eggs already produced by DNA. Men make sperms every moment. And they make this sperms based on their memory. So evolution is designed and leaded by men. We are declaring how humans will evolve. We making our own sperms as we want. And sperm is declaring gender of baby with Y and X. Yes XX man and XY is woman but that first X and second X completely different and have different purposes. So first X and second X not same and they are not working same. Just their shape look like they are same but they are not. So babies gender determined by men. So women have eggs when they born and they cant produce eggs they are unproductive they just feeding existing eggs and feeding babies. Men can make sperms as they want. So our body controlling evolution of human species; not women’s eggs! Men are stronger. Men are better. Women dont even want having sex bcause they are already barren, they just want to feed their eggs and our babies. Men are smarter, have bigger brains and there is no space for babies. Women have smaller brains and they also have telephatic communication with baby so their brain is really busy. So we made women for only sex and carrying baby and being our slave. Naturally everybody hates women, beat women and rape women bcause secretly everybody knows how lame they are. You can runaway from truth, it is too much obivious; just accept it, women and men not equal and must not be equal bcause men need sex and women dont even need sex. Women are always depressed, lazy, numb, boring, stressed, useless. And this is human nature. Yes its wrong but after all we are not polar bears which one eats each others children bcause of hate. So we are not worst speicy on this planet; or are we? Bcause of we have too many cells, we may have too many personalities. Somebody controlling our internal organs, our hearth is beating automaticly. Somebody controlling our emotions. Some other person controlling our sex life. Some other person designing our sperms and causing evolution. Each human have someone smarter than them inside their brain. And smart people can understand how their brain and feelings working so they have a healthy communication with their other people which one living in their body and brain. We can only control our skeletal muscles, we cant stop our hearthbeating. Some people saying i can stop my hearthbeating; than that guy seriously smarter than us and can control his whole body.
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