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Everything posted by aabradley01

  1. The hover board I'm talking about was built in a room that had a floor of high strength magnets
  2. Well once it's started (moving), it'll generate power, so that's when it uses 10%
  3. Honestly, the man has a point. Have you ever heard of quantum locking? This could be our future. I have seen many articles on magnets but never understood them as much as I wish, but I do get the concept of basic poles and the laws of attraction. It goes back to basic physics and actions and reaction. They actually created a hover board with quantum locking.
  4. Lately I have thought al lot about perpetual motion. I know that it's not possible, but what if you have a wind generator type machine. Instead of having it being powered by the wind, it has weights that extend out as they spin and retract as the reach the top of the machine. After a while it will lose momentum and slow down. I realize that that will happen but what if u made it so that the generator uses 10% of the power created to start the "perpetual" cycle over. Then it becomes endless. All the machine needs is a push to get it started and then it does the rest by itself. It's Infinite energy.
  5. remember also that they use hydrogen in space shuttle launches. sometimes they use solid fuels as well. We could use the same thruster setup for aircraft but it would require special device to slow burn time and another set of thrusters on the front . Idk I'm just wondering if it's a possibity.
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