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  • Birthday 04/28/1963

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  1. How many colours can see a Tetrachromat in a Rainbow ???... ( millions of colors !!!.... is NOT an assesable answer !!!... ) Humans with three(3) /cones\ !!!... can see in the rainbow seven(7) colors !!!... Humans with two(2) /cones\ !!!... can see in the rainbow three(3) colors !!!... ( BLUE-WHITE-YELLOW) !!!... Humans with "only" one(1) /cone\ !!!... can see in the rainbow "only" WHITE !!!...
  2. WHAT is ???... Your oppinion ???... about a "TRIPLE-DNA-Helix" with "TRIPLE-Bases" ???... I have made it in "Theorie" !!!...( with "Molecular-Models" !!!... ) BUT I don't know how It will be in "reality" !!!... THANK You !!!... for any "Help" !!!...
  3. Sorry THAT I write My oppinion but from the many "Biology-Books" I have read !!!... (1) First IF the extraterrestial Planet has "similar" LIVE with that of "Earth" WE will find something to "eat" !!!... BUT also WE will get "ill" from the "similar" Bacteria !!!... and (2) Second IF the LIVE on the extraterrestial Planet is very "different" of that on our "Earth" !!!... WE will NOT get "ill" !!!... BUT we also will NOT find something THAT WE can "eat" !!!... (1) + (2) = Solution(3) !!!... which is a extraterrestial Planet without LIVE !!!... BUT with "Liquit-Water" !!!... ( Like "Mars" IF he has underground Water !!!... ) BUT before THAT !!!... WE have to go with Spaceships and Robots there !!!... and sent OUR "Earth-Bacteria" to the extraterrestial Planet !!!... and then "Plants" !!!... and then "Animals" !!!... and after a lot of Years can WE also go there !!!... BUT will have to deal with the "different" Enviroment !!!... and the "different" Gravitation !!!... THAT will make us "Human" to "Evolve" !!!... to NEW "Humanoid-Alien-Species" !!!... and AFTER THAT !!!... there is NO easy way to come back to "Earth" !!!... because it is always !!!... "sweat" Home !!!... "My" Home !!!... because "Humans" and "Earth" !!!... evolve "together" !!!... ( and about the "Question" ???... How ???... will be "LIVE" on "other" Planets ???... "Look" on the "Earth" Like an "Alien" !!!... and You will "see" !!!... on the one Hand "Fish-Like" and "Bird-Like" animals !!!... and on the other Hand strange "animals" Like the "Oktopus" and the "Hippocampus" !!!... because also the Evolution has "Rules" !!!... BUT "never" is the "same" !!!... )
  4. THANK You !!!... It Looks also !!!... as (possible) extraterestrial "Alien-Life" to search by "NASA" !!!...
  5. on Earth we have the "Double-Bases" ( G≡C ) and ( A=T ). and on Earth exist in Natur a ( 2+1 ) DNA-Helix. My ( THEORETICAL ) proposal is a "real" TRIPLE-DNA-Helix with TRIPLE-DNA-Bases ! on one Image You can "see" also the "EVOLUTION" from three(3) "identical" Bases to three(3) "different" BUT "similar" Bases. and on another Image You "see" their ( 2:1 ) and ( 1:2 ) "relationship". The point to try to make a "TRIPLE-D.N.A.-Base" is : (1) First to "compare" the "DOUBLE-Helix" properties with the "TRIPLE-Helix", and make conclusions about their "similarities" and their "differencies". (2) IF You want to make from "small-anorganic-molecules" LIFE !, You have to make it with My "TRIPLE-DNA-Helix So. THAT You can "prove" THAT it is "artificial-Life" made per "Intelligent-Design". and "NOT" through "changes" on already "existing" Life !
  6. From Wikipedia : Prototropy is the most common form of tautomerism and refers to the relocation of a hydrogen atom. on these Images you san see the four(4) tautomeric forms of a <TRIPLE-Base> !!!... FIRST !!!... IF you look only at ONE "Base" !!!... You can see the inside Hydrogens to move (Left/Right) from the one Nitrogen-atom to the near Nitrogen-atom !!!... of the same "Base" !!!... and that ist "Prototropy" !!!... SECOND !!!... IF you look now to the three(3) "Bases" !!!... Between two(2) Bases !!!... You have two(2) Hydrogens !!!... which can move !!!... BUT now !!!... they don't need to move (Left/Right) !!!... But they can move (up/down) from the one Base to the other ... the one Hydrogen !!!... and the opposite direction the other Hydrogen !!!... of the second Base !!!... and that is "Double-Prototropy" !!!... The Hydrogens which moves !!!... have to chance places form a "simple-Bond" to a "Hydrogen-Bond" !!!...
  7. This are the four(4) "tautomeric" forms !!!... of a <TRIPLE-Base> !!!... and THIS is an IMAGE !!!... of My two(2) <TRIPLE-Bases> !!!... with OUR two(2) <DOUBLE-Bases> to compare them with each other !!!... and THIS is My <TRIPLE-D.N.A.-Helix> !!!... with the two(2) <TRIPLE-Bases> "inside" !!!... ( and our <DOUBLE-D.N.A.-Helix> with the two(2) <DOUBLE-Bases> !!!... ) My <TRIPLE-D.N.A.-Helix> !!!... is ONLY a theoretical speculation !!!... for an "Alien" possible D.N.A. !!!... The "same" !!!... You can "Imagine" !!!... with My six(6)fold D.N.A.-Bases !!!... This is only S.F.B. = "Science Fiction Biology" !!!...
  8. I have made with "Molecular Models" ... three(3) Molecules !!!... which can unite together to ONE UNIT !!!... with "Hydrogen Bonds" !!!... First !!!... with my "cheap" and "small" Molecular Models !!!... The GREY-Bonds are (-) "simple Bonds" !!!... and the RED-Bonds are (=) "double Bonds" !!!... On the YELLOW-Bonds are the "tautomeric Hydrogens" which can move to the beside BLUE-Nitrogen and change position !!!... Second !!!... with my "Ball & Stick" Molecular Models !!!... ( FAA≡BBC≡DCE≡FAA ) & ( LDG≡HEI≡JFK≡LDG ) You can see ... the GREY ... (-)simple ... and (=)double Bonds!!!... On the PURPLE-Bonds are the "tautomeric Hydrogens" !!!... ( and the YELLOW-atom is ... a charged BLUE-Nitrogen(N+) atom !!! ) Third !!!... with my "Spacefilling" Molecular Models !!!... You cannot see the "Bonds" between the atoms !!!... but you can see !!!... the "Space" of each of the three(3) Molecules !!!... I have changed the 4 WHITE-Hydrogens !!!... with 4 WHITE-GREEN "Fluorine-atoms" !!!... to "mark" the "tautomeric Hydrogens" !!!... and ... on the small-squares !!!... you can see the "differences" !!!... between the atoms !!!... of the three(3) Molecules !!!... from the Left-triplet to the Right-triplet !!!... SPYROU Kostas - GREECE - 20/3/2020
  9. This is the normal 3*3*3 Rubic Cube ... and this is a LEGO 3*3*3 Cube found by amazon !!!... and this is the 3*3*3 Lego-Cube for Blind people !!!... WHITE = 0 and BLACK = 4 RED =1 and GREEN = 3 YELLOW =2 and BLUE = 2
  10. THANK You for your comment !!!... I am only asking if a "Fullerite C24" can be done by Natur (or by Humans) having in Mind that the "Cubic Fullerite C24" is made by scientists !!!... ( Is there some reason that prevent the construction of "Fullerite C24" ???... ) https://link.springer.com/article/10.1134/1.1649442
  11. This is the "Cubic Fullerite C24" made from "Cubes" and "Fullerenes C24" which have the shape of "Truncated Octahedrons" !!!... Could "Theoretically" exist a solid "Fullerite C24" with only Space Filling "Truncated Octahedrons" ???... Why NOT ???...
  12. This "Triple DNA Helix" on Earth ... is NOT a "real" Triple-Helix !!!... because the "Third-Base" has "Hydrogen Bonds" only with the one of the other two Bases of the "Double-Helix" !!!...
  13. In the "DOUBLE Helix DNA" there is NO "Free Space" inside it !!!... In my second version of the "TRIPLE-Bases" ... that I call "Boomerang-DNA"... there is "Free Space" inside the 3 Bases and other small Molecules could Bind there and then prevent the binding of the 3 Bases together !!!...
  14. Which one do you like ???...
  15. Both "TRIPLE-Bases" are beautiful !!!... but for a DNA-Helix I choose the one on the right as more possible !!!...
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