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About pljames

  • Birthday 03/19/1943

Profile Information

  • Location
    Marble,North Carolina
  • Interests
  • College Major/Degree
    Sixty one years in Life&expierences
  • Favorite Area of Science
  • Biography
    I love science&Philosophy and allthe diciplines
  • Occupation


  • Baryon

pljames's Achievements


Baryon (4/13)



  1. I am very excited about this website because of the webpage. The page almost jumps out at me, I have bad eyes and I can see it clearly! Well down. My question is when my name comes up the word Baryon is under my name. What is Baryon mean? pljames
  2. I swear I have ask this question before somewhere but here goes...again. What is it called when a butterfly in Japan flaps its wings and somewhere a Tsaumi(?) happens? pljames:confused:
  3. I keep hearing the word morals ringing in my ears when the word invisibility is spoken or written in this case. I totally understand spying on our enemies with this new technology...but couldnt big brother also use it against us, in justice, everything in our private world? Is this such a good technology while it might be used...against us? pljames:confused:
  4. I am trying to grasp if a butterfly flies in Japan the air waves can create a sonami(?) some where in the world because of it? I have also heard all things in some fashion relate to something else...except a snowflake. Is this true? pljames
  5. I love learning but I cannot remember the whole book. I take what I can understand and apply it to my own personal understanding making it my philosophy. So I have changed the original thought to my thought. Is this learning approach correct morally, existentially, what? pljames
  6. How will this effect say, pilots of a aircraft? What about the color spectrum and the atoms in objects like copper and human? pljames
  7. If you copy the original words of Plato and then modify it with todays philosophy have you created a second philosophy or cloned the original thought? pljames
  8. The Japanese has said they now have made a copper wire...disappear. Shades of Spock! How do they do that? pljames
  9. I like basic psychology and not advanced. All my life I was taught you come last and your family&friends come first. I have been miserable all my life. all of a sudden I did what I was not brought up to believe. Think for yourself and do what makes you happy. At sixty two I am beside myself. I do not harm anyones, physical,mental,moral or spiritual philosophy. Am I selfish and self centered to believe I can be happy? I am however have serious problems loving my fellow human as is, faults and all. Have I went overboard in my new belief? pljames@brmemc.net
  10. I love science and my new interest is neuroscience. Who stated we use only ten percent of our brain and how did they get that conclusion? As I understand it our brain uses different areas to get and send info. Can we use more than ten percent? How do I get more than ten percent? How can I upgrade my I.Q. to gather more knowledge or is it futile? pljames
  11. I am extremely interested in Neuroscience. Where can I get a book called mind over matter philosophy or biology or neurology. thanks pljames@brmemc.net
  12. Nametag, Well said but I also read Bascues thread but can we get to much knowledge? I feel being responsibile for it is our genie in the bottle. I forsee drugs in this future instead of machines (nanobytes) We are of course are biological. Are we really ready to be more knowledgable? We cannot handle our own problems now? pljames
  13. Lucid Dreamer, I saw krgrons thread, interesting. I am also stuyding INT Profile. I fit that bill. I have been a daydreamer all my life and have suddenly started to think all the time. I feel I have always walked to the different tune all my life but am just now beginning to understand I might not be as stupid as I think. Is it possible to use both side of the brain by thinking and daydreaming? pljames
  14. Dear P&P Friends, Who said ,"thinking outside the box"? I love that exspression. I view things differently than most. I love to solve personal problems taking into account all the ingredients of the problem. I love to think outside the perverbal box. From science to apples. I think all the time about whatever comes to mind. I want to believe I am unique and a exspressionist. I have always walked to the tune of a different drummer all my life. I am being harassed to the point I am losing my patience with these people because I seem like a nerd to them. Is this a sign of mental health problems? pljames
  15. This is totally new to me. I feel it is on the edge of the Neuroscience field. I have two software programs which goes into this mindmapping thought. One is like a flowchart and the other is multiple list like synapses of the brain with inconnected links. Like a map. Theres something there that attracts me to it. Can anyone relate to where I am coming from and tell me wher I can get more information about mindmapping? pljames
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