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Everything posted by GD_Chen

  1. CALL FOR PAPERS IEEE International Conference on Intelligence and Security Informatics (ISI), July 22-24, 2017, Beijing, China (www.isi-conf.org) INTRODUCTION Intelligence and Security Informatics (ISI) research is an interdisciplinary research field involving academic researchers in information technologies, computer science, public policy, bioinformatics, medical informatics, and social and behavior studies as well as local, state, and federal law enforcement and intelligence experts, and information technology industry consultants and practitioners to support counterterrorism and homeland security’s missions of anticipation, interdiction, prevention, preparedness and response to terrorist acts. CONFERENCE THEME & TOPICS The conference theme is Security and Big Data. In addition to the main academic conference, multiple satellite events centered around the security and big data theme will be organized as well. We invite academic researchers in the field of Intelligence and Security Informatics and related areas as well as law enforcement and intelligence experts, and industry consultants and practitioners in the field to submit papers and workshop proposals. ISI 2017 will be organized in four main tracks focusing on: o Security Analytics and Threat Intelligence o Data Science and Analytics in Security Informatics o Human Behavior and Factors in the Security Applications o Organizational, National, and International Issues in Counter-terrorism and other Security Applications Submissions may include systems, methodology, test-bed, modeling, evaluation, and policy papers. Research should be relevant to informatics, organization, public policy, or human behavior in applications of counter-terrorism or protection of local/ national/ international security in the physical world and/or cyberspace. Specific topics please see the conference webpage (www.isi-conf.org). SUBMISSION FORMAT AND PUBLICATION We accept three types of paper submissions on suggested topics of the proposed tracks and related topics: long paper (max. 6 pages), short paper (max. 3 pages), and poster (1 page). Submission format is PDF. Consult the IEEE publications page at, http://www.ieee.org/conferences_events/conferences/publishing/templates.html for information on formatting. Papers will be submitted through the EasyChair submission and review system. The submission Web page for IEEE ISI 2017: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=ieeeisi2017. The accepted papers from ISI 2017 and its affiliated workshops will be published by the IEEE Press in formal Proceedings. IEEE ISI Proceedings are EI-indexed. IMPORTANT DATES Most submissions due: April 10, 2017 Acceptance: May 30, 2017 Camera ready copy: June 20, 2017 Authors register: June 20, 2017 Conference: July 22-24, 2017
  2. Advancing Informatics for healthcare and healthcare applications has become an international research priority. There is increased effort to transform reactive care to proactive and preventive care, clinic-centric to patient-centered practice, training-based interventions to globally aggregated evidence, and episodic response to continuous well-being monitoring and maintenance. ICSH 2015 (International Conference for Smart Health 2015) is intended to provide a forum for the growing smart health research community to discuss the principles, algorithms and applications of intelligent data acquisition, processing, and analysis of healthcare data. The conference proceedings will be published by Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS). The electronic conference proceedings will be provided at the time of registration. The published proceedings will be sent to each registrant later by organizers. Selected papers will also be considered for IEEE Intelligent Systems and ACM Transactions on Management Information Systems. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Important Dates: Paper Submission: SEPTEMBER 6, 2015(EXTENDED) Notification of acceptance: SEPTEMBER 26, 2015 Conference dates: NOVEMBER 17-18, 2015 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Topics of Interest for the conference include, but are not limited to (see the conference website at http://icsh2015.org for additional suggestions): I. Information sharing, integrating and extraction ♦ Patient education, learning and involvement ♦ Consumer and clinician health information needs, seeking, sharing, and use ♦ Healthcare knowledge abstraction, classification and summarization ♦ Effective Information retrieval for healthcare applications ♦ Natural language processing and text mining for biomedical and clinical applications, EHR, clinical notes, and health consumer texts ♦ Intelligent systems and text mining for electronic health records ♦ Health and clinical data integrity, privacy and representativeness for secondary use of data II. Clinical practice and training ♦ Virtual patient modeling for learning, practicing and demonstrating care practices ♦ Medical recommender systems ♦ Text mining clinical text for innovative applications (patient monitoring, recommender systems for clinicians, adverse effects monitoring) ♦ Mental and physical health data integration ♦ Computer-aided diagnosis ♦ Computational support for patient-centered and evidence-based care ♦ Disease profiling and personalized treatment ♦ Visual analytics for healthcare ♦ Transdisciplinary healthcare through IT III. Mining clinical and medical data ♦ Data augmentation and combination for evidence-based clinical decision making ♦ Biomarker discovery and biomedical data mining ♦ Semantic Web, linked data, ontologies for healthcare applications ♦ Software infrastructure for biomedical applications (text mining platforms, semantic web, workflows, etc) ♦ Intelligent Medical data management ♦ Computational intelligence methodologies for healthcare IV. Assistive, persuasive and intelligent devices for medical care and monitoring ♦ Assistive devices and tools for individuals with special needs ♦ Intelligent medical devices and sensors ♦ Continuous monitoring and streaming technologies for healthcare ♦ Computer support for surgical intervention ♦ Localized data for improving emergency care ♦ Localization, persuasion and mobile approaches to increasing healthy life styles and better self-care ♦ Virtual and augmented reality for healthcare V. Global systems and large-scale health data analysis and management ♦ Global spread of disease: models, tools and interventions ♦ Data analytics for clinical care ♦ Systems for Telemedicine ♦ Pharmacy informatics systems and drug discovery ♦ Collaboration technologies for healthcare ♦ Healthcare workflow management ♦ Meta-studies of community, national and international programs ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MORE INFORMATION: http://icsh2015.org/
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