Hello, My name is Mark, I am a math Major and Thomas Edison State College. I will be getting a B/S in Mathematics and an Mba in Real Estate. Possibly if there is time I will get a B/A in Philosophy. I am interested in the game of Casino Craps. There is a cult following out there that states that they can beat the game of craps and get a positive player edge with Influencing the dice the way they are thrown to eliminate or decrease the percentage of the 7 ratio. There is another school of thought that energy and vibe some how control and can at times manipulate a random game of chance. Since Dice have no memory unlike Card Counting in Blackjack. Craps is a negative expectation game where there isn't any real way one can get a positive long run edge at the game like you can in Poker or Blackjack. I believe this is false and the math that governs Craps is really finite, basic, and linear. It has not been challenged by the more post calculus abstract disciplines of math like Real Analysis, Fourier, Elliptic Curves, Time Series, Lie Groups, and Stochastics as well as Non Parametric Statistics and Differential Equations. I am interested in wondering from anyone here that if it is possible to find out if one can beat the game in the long run and get a nice player edge without Dice influencing and make money in the game using these more powerful, abstract form of Mathematics ? I believe it is possible. What do you guys think ?
I am also thinking the same about Three Card Poker.