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Everything posted by AmalAlmana

  1. A friend gave them to me Dad It was working properly before because I've become very unused
  2. I want the way and make it float in the street
  3. Now, what is the solution
  4. You have to play by 3 months I've stopped playing him 6 months I was out of America
  5. If you purchase nitrogen, do I have a magnet that makes me float in the air Possible way in order to do in Thanks to everyone, I have a great job to help me I love you
  6. Now, soon it will become the number of pages to the subject 3 will not be able to solve the mystery
  7. http://whitenoise.kinja.com/how-the-earths-magnetic-field-could-maybe-possibly-ma-785471366
  8. Are all of us can look for this magnet Neodymium magnets And make sure if this is what I look for
  9. Some people say this magnet is called I hope everyone involved I hope everyone is sure of this magnet Neodymium magnets This is not a lie do not you tell me a liar
  10. Send email http://arxpax.com/contact/ Some people say this magnet is called I hope everyone involved Neodymium magnets
  11. Now how do I get to work on this magnet? I am now I can not think of anything? I supported you, I hope that you send a message on e of the company?
  12. Do I have to buy another one I can not help me please.
  13. Make Web http://arxpax.com/ ------------------------------------ Question Company http://arxpax.com/contact/ I send you to the company but the PIN number for Emile Forgot --------------------------------- Other presentations of the product https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=08pSoZMUT10 http://www.engadget.com/2014/10/21/we-rode-a-hoverboard/ ---------------------------------- I'm sorry you can bother you
  14. We should all try Everyone here improves Physics
  15. Now no one knows the type and name could this magnet One of here sends the mail to the company producing this tablet skating Thanks to all
  16. Unobtainium flux-capacitor magnets Where can I find pages Do you have Internet sale Thanks to all I'm glad I with you here
  17. Acme Corp. Do you have a page on the Internet to get the pieces? Can I know that the name of this type of magnet? thanks for everyone
  18. I have a ski board Magnet that makes it float in the air has broken I do not know his name or type magnet in order to buy it I'm putting in your hands the red color images here have damaged portion http://im46.gulfup.com/rhsaMf.jpg http://im46.gulfup.com/Ym2t7X.png http://im46.gulfup.com/XkiqPo.jpg thanks for everyone
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