I'm not going to bother explaining the first comment but I've come to realise through very weird experiences over the past few years that something is influencing our mind and bodies.
Some how I am just thinking stuff then I check the ideas out and they're true. From what I've been realising, its starting to seem like titles and names such as "God" and "Jesus" were put in the minds of men as part of some patterns which my life seems to relate to.
For the past month I've been spending a lot of my free time drawing the thoughts that flow into my mind and reality is reacting in very cool way! I will think of something then start drawing it and realise as i'm drawing it that it appears as a couple different things or has different meanings. Then somehow outside reality changes and I get to see impossible shadow formations which I started taking pictures of to show you.
I tried using the image posting function but the okay, cancel, and close buttons don't work so I'll try the attachments option at the bottom.
I'll explain what I'd draw then you can look at the pics to see how they relate. Keep in mind whatever is doing this is making the shadow art so that it looks like a humanoid face in one way then as another face in another perspective. Its combining several ideas into one picture so the faces aren't perfect because you have to mutate them so the other perspectives can be recognizable. It's really cool art in a way or at least I think so.
The first picture is of the lawn shadows. I was drawing cartoon monkey faces one day then it appeared. At first I thought it looked like a humanoid face so I took the picture then when I turned the picture upside down I noticed the humanoid chimpanzee type face.
I have been noticing patterns with the number Pi and realised that 3.14 x 7 or Pi G / PIG related to people in my life. Then I read that Exodus 3:14 was when god says I'am who I am and GOD backwards is dog. I looked at the sidewalk and noticed an eye, nose and line for a mouth that was like a cartoon character so I took a pic. Again I turned it upside down and it created a really cool looking pig or dog type face.
Four of the pictures are of the same shadow and how it appears as different creature faces as you rotate it. It's really cool to me because the ideas connected to each angle go with doodles and math I was writing in my notebook.
As I said I was playing with Pi and noticed patterns with Pi x 7 or PIG. In one angle it looks like a cartoon pig face.
I had been drawing several pictures of women and how from behind in certain poses they look like various animals.
One of them looked like a woman and a dog face at the same time. So I was drawing dogs. From the main angle I took the picture if you look at it looks like a right hand holding a pencil type object drawing a dogs face.
Then I was drawing pictures of arabs in turbans and the twin towers from new York. So drawing arabs and evil at the same time. In one angle its really interesting. It looks like a part of a human face wearing a turban but the entire turban isn't drawn. At the same time it looks like the side of a evil demons head.
Then I was drawing more pictures of women and made to look like a lion at the same time. So a cat and woman. In another angle it looks like a humanoid cat type face.
What's also interesting is that since I had playing with numbers so much and felt like something was guiding me I looked at the time I took the picture and it was 9:46. So I thought of 9.46 x 3.14 = 29.7044 which are the letters BI.GODD which is pronounced as BY GOD. As if it mind controlled me to realise the shadow, get my camera and take the picture at that time as a way of Signing it's art work. No crap this is true stuff and just beyond my comprehension.
Other than the art some amazing number patterns are all over the place!
I started playing with geometry and noticed a triangle can be created that defines most of my birthdate, intials and related to 666.
It is an isosceles triangle with a base of 322, sides of 665.5 (approx. 666) and angles of 76 and 28 degrees.
My initials are CBB for 322 and I was born 7/28/76.
Then I was really bored looking on a free program called stellarium and it is a bizarre impossible coincidence. The program lets you set your location and time then see what the skies will look like on any day. So I was bored and checked out Pi day 3/14 and noted what time a star would align with the meridian. That's the line that runs from south to north... Then I shuttled to my birthdate 7/28 and noted when that same star would align and it's just impossible!
The time is 135 days where 13=M and 5 =E for ME. 15 hours and 6 minutes.
135 days = 3240 + 15 = 3255 and 6 minutes.
Now express the numbers in a different way and you can make it
3200 hours, 2 days 7h and 6 minutes. for 3200 2 7 6
Drop the zeros and you get 322 76. My initials and birth year but also 7h 6m is 6h and 66 minutes so you get 666.
I was also playing with the alphabet and the name JESUS and noticed a simple code. Imagine a mirror under each letter that gives a messed up relection.
JESUS becomes
I FZDZ and the value of those letters are
426 minutes = 7h 6m
So another 322 CBB 76 / 666.
Then I noticed you can misspell JESUS as GEZUS and convert to numbers then play with them. You get
7 5 26 21 19
That gives 7/76/28 for July 28 1976 my birthdate and the date of that massive deadly Tangshan Earthquake.
Another interesting coincidence is that if you draw a clock and keep adding numbers beyond 24 then make combinations while the hands are at 7 and 4 which is G and D for GOD you get the following combos.
God Pi 7/28
Oh and if you convert the word GOD to numbers you can make it 704 which on a clock is 7:04 which is 7.06r hours. Remember 706 in time is also 6h 66m for 666.
I haven't reread what I just wrote so it might seem like rambling. My mind tends to jump around a lot while I talk and write.