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Bruno da Silva

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Everything posted by Bruno da Silva

  1. I've already told the reasons for doing it. It's the only way to achieve peace, grow up.
  2. Oh, sorry. I thought it was the "Step on a butterfly" one. I've already read that site. I didn't remember it.
  3. You troll. Serious, where is it?
  4. What's the force that makes the Earth keep going straight ahead? If there's no force to make it go to the horizon, it would go straight to the Sun.
  5. I said, bombing it. So if there's a lot of energy, will it explode?
  6. Sorry I have to ask this How much antimatter would it take to kill all life on Earth?
  7. So why doesn't the gravity make the Earth go straight to the Sun?
  8. So how big would it have to be to suck the whole Earth?
  9. What can we do with a bunch of antimatter?
  10. What does make the Earth be orbiting the Sun? Would there be a way to change Earth's orbit?
  11. And what can we do with it? What's it for?
  12. What are the exactly steps to do it? What kind of machines are used?
  13. I still don't get why you keep saying I'm not taking it seriously. How many wars, natural desaster, epidemics, toture have already happened, are happening right now and will happen; How many living beings will die from hungry?; How many living beings will suffer in wild life?; How many living beings will suffer on the hands of those torturers in deep web?; HOW MUCH TIME WILL PAIN RULE THE EARTH?; Have you experienced those things? If so, you know what I'm talking about. It must come to an end. There's no reason to fight for a world like this. Pain rules the Earth, since sentient life started to exist. You guys are saying this because you really don't know what pain really feels like, only a sufferer to understand another one. I doubt you say the same thing after experiencing all those things. And yes, I'm REALLY serious about this. I'll dedicate my life into it.
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