I am wondering what I could expect when doing a yeast two hybrid experiment with 96 spots.
When I run my experiment (1 bait vs 96 preys) I often end up with lots of growth on my final selection plate (the one you use to check for interaction).
I often have 15 spots that show growth.
Now I plate them out twice (I am doing it manually, so I just make 2 selection plates for every test): so on 2 plates to select for interaction. The weird thing is that the growth often does not match. I see growth on different spots.
Often I have, eg. 15 spots that grow on plate 1 and 17 spots on plate 2 and 10 of them will match for example.
(and I already quit incubating them after 5-7 days because if I incubate even longer I get growth on even more spots , up to 70 per plate, out of 96)
Now is this normal?
(I already dilute the cells in water before plating them out, since going straight from ager to agar seems to give too many growth)
Also: when I repeat the y2h experiment and plate out again , I often see growth on other spots (where there was no growth before) , if I add everything up, I end up having 1 or 2 spots where I see growth 3 out of 4 times or 4 out of 4 times.
Is this something I can expect or?
It seems, to me, that this system is pretty "random".
I know there are lots of false positives, but this seems a bit too much?
The way how they grow it seems very hard to figure out the true ones ! At the moment I am very harsh in my selection and I just look at the ones that grew 4 times (so 2 seperate , independent tests, 2 times 2 plates).
I also saw papers where they use a robot, often spotting 4 times on 1 plate, however I find this a bit weird since its not very independent since its just 4 times from the same spot/colony, its not really indepedent in my opinion.