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Lepton (1/13)



  1. Ok, thank you
  2. How can i learn the difference between builds? Are they about of compilers? And can i get information from where or which source?
  3. Ok thank you for your helps, i will learn c++ Should i learn about Analysis and design of algorithms?
  4. These are my lessons and their definitions: CEN 101 Algorithms and Programming I Problem solving. Input - Operation - Output process. Analysis and design of algorithms. Definiteness, finiteness, effectiveness of algorithms. Algorithm Language. Contants, variables and expressions. Ar ithmetical, relational and logical operators. InputOutput statements. Conditional and iterative statements. Vector and matrix representations. String manipulations. Subroutines and Functions. Applications on a structural programming language CEN 102 Algorithms and Programming II Structural programming concept. C/C++ Programming Language, Fundamentals, Data types, Statements, String functions. Array manipulatio ns. Procedures and Functions. Recursion. Sorting and Searching algorithms. Basic file applications. Dynamic variables and elementary data structures, Pointer, Stack, Queue, Linked list.
  5. Hi, I will start to the department of computer engineering. And i want to do something about my department before starting the school. Now i've almost finished c programming book. What should i do after that? Note: My school will start on 13th September. Thank you in advance
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