Thank you Studiot. Meyer has solved problems like this of less complexity using Venn Diagrams. But you have a more fundamental concept for. As Venn Diagrams will become clumsy for 4 or more branches of the network. Thank You once again.
Excellent explanation. One final query the answer you (studiot) provide and that provided by Meyer are different, although both probability sum up to 1. Which one is the actual answer? Also could you show a more detailed working leading to the answer, using the formulas you have given.
My answer is matching that of Meyer. I have used the concept used by Studiot.
Can someone help me on the problem:
Assume the probability of each relay being closed is 'p' and that each relay is open or closed independently of other relay. What is the probability that current flows from L to R? See the circuit diagram below. The relays are just like switches. If closed current flows else if open current does not flow.
This problem is from the book of Meyer : introduction to probability and stastical applications.
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