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  • Quark

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  1. I suspect it's something along those lines. I guess what I'm hearing is that there are no conclusive explanations for the phenomena.
  2. No, one yawn triggers the next. I'm curious what causes this. Well it's not physical, so yeah. But I'm curious what psychology would account for an immediate involuntary reaction triggered by a sound over the phone.
  3. It's a genuine phenomenon that everyone on the planet observes regularily. One person yawns, and then another person(s) immediately yawns thereafter. It happens over the phone as well. Is there a scientific explantaion for this?
  4. That's the best advice I've read in this thread so far.
  5. The objects in question are the Earth and Moon, right? While I appreciate you pointing me towards a fuller mathematical understanding of gravity, this thread is about two specific bodies and their relationship. So can I assume that my earlier remark about the moon deriving it's pull from the Earth was accurate, or not?
  6. So basically without the Earth the moon would have an extremely weak gravitational pull. It's strong pull in relation to it's mass is essentially derived from object 2 (Earth)?
  7. Good question. I don't know the answer other than to say the obvious thing, which is that it must be comprised of heavier materials.
  8. Orphiolite, great answer. Very in depth and satisying. Can you elaborate on the variance in size and density of planetery bodies in relation to the sun? I understand why the gaseous planets are further away, etc, but am unclear on that lack of linearity in terms of size and gravitational pull of planets as they get further from the sun.
  9. So you're saying the planets are ordered outwards from the sun based on their density/heaviness? So Mercury is the second heaviest thing in the solar system next to the Sun, Venus the third, etc?
  10. Martin, thanks for clearing that up. I guess I held a misconception about the term. So a Hubble volume is essentially a measured distance, and we have the capability to look beyond it. So how far past one H-volume can we see? Into a second or third, or farther?
  11. I've heard this term, but am unclear on it's exact definition. I think it implies that the entire universe as we know it is just one "volume" inside of a larger universe. Is that an even remotely accurate definition?
  12. zigabytes?
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