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About Der_Neugierige

  • Birthday 05/12/1992

Profile Information

  • Location
    canton zurich, Switzerland
  • Interests
    Sports, cooking, watching movie, reading books
  • Favorite Area of Science
    Biochemistry, Neuroscience, Genetics, Medicine, Politics

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Baryon (4/13)



  1. Goodbye morons!
  2. People insult because of my poor English skills, people arent serious to admit that my homosexuality is caused by a inborn biological problem, get rude comments etc. I absolutly dont need that, sorry! Self relevtion of what? Did I insult someone? Did I say scientic BS? What self reflection? At Swantson please delete my account!
  3. This forum annoys me. Is there a way to delete my account, because YOU piss me off.
  4. Of course its divide in three language. Its the same with Canada and Quebec Tere will always be a French Canada and English Canada. But this has to do with language and culture. I was talking about ethnic background.
  5. We have a lot of immigrants here, we arent an monoethic country anymore.
  6. We have Arfrican Asian immigrants.
  7. Wont change my style only to make you happier.
  8. Hormonal yes, genetic yes environment no! otherwise do explain what environment can influence sexual orientation? There is none its inborn!
  9. I want conversations comments not votes. you say to push some people back? And do you explain that in the past homophic OPs didnt change their mind despite down votes?
  10. I have deleted it prior. My country has always been immigration country. Switzerland is not homogenetic society anymore! Bigger society like Germans or French are more homogenic.
  11. Yes Swiss officials have apologized.
  12. Sorry, My English is lousy. But you are right it can be exhausting.
  13. I believe the fact that people vore for creatures like Trump I do see the as true.
  14. This votings are kindergarten. I give zero value if my comment are seen negative.
  15. Do you see how religion cause harm in history?
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