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Everything posted by Trurl

  1. Don’t mind me I have just read too much Bruce Schenier books. I am not claiming the survey is biased, but is the reason to collect it just to see how educated people would vote or is just to see how those people answer to influence them. By the way I am uneducated in nuclear physics. But you posted this in politics. Is the decision for scientific answers or data. That is using scientific facts to aid in a decision or do you wish to see what is the most important facts to a scientist? I’m beginning to hate politics. But would you say that someone with all the data you collected could use it to manipulate the scientific opinion in their favor? Trump could say that it is clean and abundant. We need to build 20. Biden could say the mining is destruct full and nuclear waste is an issue. So we take all the scientific data and use what parts that fit our purposes. I’m not saying the survey is biased. Scientists would probably give you the reasons we should or shouldn’t. I’m just pointing out the fact that often time scientists’ facts are misused.
  2. Well the part about Musk looking to buy Russian rockets and then deciding to build his own is from the Walter Isaacson biography. Im just saying that Musk gets things done in the private sector but is not good in government. The goal isn’t always what saves money. But Musk isn’t always in it for money. That is not me saying that. He invested the PayPal money into other businesses. I don’t know what motivates him. I don’t know why he wants to dismantle existing government agencies. As for your theory of planning a recession, maybe. I’m not sure about the martial law. The news isn’t worth watching. I’m now critical of Trump and Elon. They know the middle class is concerned with good jobs and being able to afford a home. They didn’t explain how a world wide recession improves the economy. I say world wide because the global economy will be effected imho.
  3. Well we think Elon is a jerk because of how he treats laborers. Random firing may work by creating competition in his business. But government has a social side. I am impressed by SpaceX. Elon was going to buy a Russian rocket until they kept screwing with him and jacked up the price. It was bold to start a company that made rockets. Elon the scientist I respect. I expect him to have a few quarks. He is arrogant and demanding but that is to be expected. The problem is that he shouldn’t be in our government. Firing hard works and breaking services and protections of already established government programs isn’t cutting waste. I don’t like it. My instructor once told me about a NASA engineer who was laid off. He couldn’t find work because he was over qualified. So he worked as a janitor mopping floors. He was brilliant and that is the best job he could get.
  4. Well I think making changes to the way the U.S. economy works for a complete overhaul could mean more manufacturing but it can also fail and cause disaster. But every time Trump changes the U.S. economy he forces the rest of the world’s countries to change theirs.
  5. I stand corrected. Maybe the problem is white Christian men. I don’t know how it started and if it is just certain leaders; could be better could be worse but white men determine the course of the Country. Billy Graham regretted not participating in the civil rights movement. I guess America First makes us stronger financially, but what do we lose? As a Christian money shouldn’t be your master, so why would we create a country, that is a machine, that is based on money? Not that anyone knows an alternative to this system. Money is not the problem. The problem greed in an attempt to make America great is going to lose us money and disrupt the world.
  6. Well I didn’t listen far in the book yet. But in the book “Code Girls,” the U.S. military recruited women. They placed puzzles in the news paper and recruited on women’s colleges. Ai could do that. And it would find 2 polar opposite views. I would want to hear from someone who works there. I only saw what a tourist at the space center sees. I am interested in the Hidden Figures book just to see how these women got their opportunity.
  7. I read the survey. It seems simple enough. But I get the feeling your goal is to see my view, to persuade me to decide on the option you want me to believe. The topic is nuclear power plants but that is because those in the forum would know about and think scientifically. This would serve to distract the survey taker with scientific evidence. But we both know there is debate over scientific facts. We can read reports on how it solves the energy crisis or another that says it’s dangerous. Two stories. Fake news. Is you study looking for a way to control social media posts? A kind of psychology game theory?
  8. Well back to the original point of diversity. Those in charge knew that women were smart and that includes black women. I listened to the prologue of “Hidden Figures.” (No spoilers please.) But the accomplishment wasn’t being a computer figuring space trajectories, instead I am interested how NASA found out they were gifted. It would be like the backup quarterback sitting on the bench while the starter quarterback throw 4 interceptions. I don’t know if NASA discriminates because I don’t work there. But they seem to take talent wherever they find it. I have read that they too go through firing cycles. But again I think it is not the current generation of white Christian men who discriminate. Just because 2 white Christian billionaires are in charge doesn’t mean we are all discriminating minorities.
  9. Sensei, this is how the U.S. government works too. Something as easy as a 15 hard drive can’t be replaced. I worked in a graphics shop many years back and we had a $15,000 copier. The only trouble was that all the graphics we made were on the pc. It would take another $7000 for the computer interface. We never got that interface so it just sat there. You and me aren’t allowed to change the hard drive, but the counter intelligence agency can grant all access to Edward Snowden.
  10. I agree. As we learned in Soc 101 from the start people starved when others prospered. I tried looking it up but there was a word for the lower class rising up to crush the upper class. I don’t think it ever worked. From the things I have watched on tv and read about early American history, I arrive at the conclusion that threatening a man’s job caused much racism. It start on the railroads where if you didn’t work they would replace you. It continues to this day with the border. Maybe more BS but it is observation not statistical.
  11. Well I would say NASA is a place that is already diverse and doesn’t need DEI. Where DEI is needed is primary schools for mentally and physically challenged kids. Now that the department of education is in trouble this may change. Some kids need 5 or more aides. There is always going to be corruption in the workplace. But DEI can also discriminate. The problem is not white Christian males. Those are hard workers who are on your side. The problem is that government is all about money. Biden gave it away and now Trump destroys agencies to save 2%. And the agencies provide more benefits than they cost. The problem is not DEI. Instead it is a class system of billionaires vs middle class.
  12. I’m only kidding. I am making fun of the fact DEI is extreme in the case of specifically putting a women on the moon just because it never happened before. I do see a need because I don’t believe women were as astronauts till 1983. I do not object to a woman on the moon. I just making fun of the fact it costs so much money. Actually I am very interested in space. I wouldn’t want to be an astronaut though. It would be like being in a submarine 6 months. It isn’t like Star Trek yet. And it is extremely dangerous. NASA is great for learning and exploring but they too have safety and expense issues. They launched the Challenger shuttle after it had 6 ft ice sickles on it. i don’t like the focus to be the first woman on the moon. She is part of the mission and the focus should be building on the moon. The current NASA is very diverse. And if you go to Kennedy Space Center and look at the Wall of Heroes, you will be impressed by how qualified they are. So I see why I made fun of the price tag to go to the moon. But in my lifetime NASA has always been diverse. The fact that it is so dangerous makes it hard. The lunar lander has just landed on its top and the SpaceX rocket 🚀 exploded. Have you ever heard of ideas for a space elevator? Could such an elevator climb so high then fall to the other side of the sphere?
  13. Well the video highlighted the mission would highlight that women and minorities lead the mission. Which is ok. I am just poking fun of the fact that it is costing a 100 billion dollars. This mission is way behind. If we were on the moon in 1970’s why is it so hard to go back? Yes I know these women are good astronauts. Putting someone on the moon is great, but if you say first woman on the moon, $100,000,000,000. Eliminating the need for DEI, priceless.
  14. Well I am just making joke. I know there are highly qualified women. They can out perform me. But while touring Kennedy Space Center there were videos about a manned moon mission. It said it would put the first woman on the moon. Which is a good achievement. But why does Artemis moon mission cost a trillion dollars?
  15. Why do you keep saying I am for invading Greenland when I say it is a bad idea? It is better strategy to gain allies than to occupy countries. isn’t that the art of war book. It is easy to conquer but it is useless if you can’t control. In other word you can destroy a country, but all the people will be against you. Michio Kaku is my favorite scientist not Elon. Michio turned down a job to develop weapons to teach. He also is a U.S. Army Vet. He was drafted in the Vietnam era. He gives account of a demonstration of weapons that would obliterate the enemy. But at the same time he realized the weapons wouldn’t win the war. I did not know of the military base in Greenland. We probably just want to drill baby drill. But I am joking when I say that. I don’t want to conquer Greenland or drill there. But if we did conquer Greenland, imagine how much waste in their government we could eliminate. This would eliminate debt and improve the overall efficiency.
  16. No I am not for conquering more countries. Just to be clear. I used We because I live in the U.S. It would be different if Greenland allowed us to build military bases there. I have seen rumors on the internet that Russia was building bases in the North Pole. But that is just internet propaganda. I support the U.S. military but why do we need a missile defense unless we plan on pissing off the rest of the world. Space is next for military bases. I’m just glad every country gets along on the International Space Station.
  17. Russia takes Ukraine. China takes Taiwan. We get Greenland. Trump brought this up in his message to Congress. If you listen closely he said we need it and we’re going to get it one way. This is a recipe for war. You can’t accuse Russia in Ukraine than do the same. What if the Ukraine peace deal is to split Ukraine between the U.S. and Russia?
  18. I watched a video of Edward Frenkel. He was Jewish and didn’t know it. They tested him for the Moscow University. But his test was more advanced. So whoever sets the standards must be just and the evaluator must be fair. If you are taking a higher level exam in maths, physical chemistry or biology then there is very little that is subjective in the assessment taking place. Your answers are either right or wrong. Yes put the test creator determines the difficulty. Some professors design the tests so a portion of students fail. It was discrimination in Frenkel’s case. But is this always necessary? Are people failing because they don’t meet the standard or do the standards set them to fail? Again we need standards. But how can you be sure standards of merit are right? Standards are hard to set.
  19. Has anyone looked at this. I am saying the smaller Prime factor is between 1.0 * 10^90 and 1.0 * 10^130. I know that is a large amount of numbers. Does it make it more solvable? If you already knew the range how did you solve for it? If you already knew that it was in this range it isn’t useful. But if it is useful it could be a way to find meaning in random polynomials.
  20. Yes the difficulty in assessment. Merit based is still subjective as Ten Oz states with the sports example. I know we have to have standards but as with the sports example you still don’t get perfect results. Yes, we need standards. The standards protect the student from corrupt assessments. Standards can also also be used to discriminate. That is where DEI is to protect. However some believe DEI is against evaluation on merit. I am just noting standards of merit is subjective. If you are below standards you fail. If you are above standards evaluators we seek to utilize you. Which could be good or bad. My question to you guys is what is a fair standard? Most are easy. But so much of success is determined by the evaluation of the examiner.
  21. Who said any process is fair. Try getting into the union without knowing someone. I would say if everything was based on merit DEI is unnecessary. I mean merit should be the best way; the most unbiased way to get a random sample you science guys are always looking for. A letter grade of A over C should be independent of race, income, religion. When I applied for college the process seemed fair, although I only know my own case. But I blame the psychologists always labeling, classifying, and categorizing. I mean people are very similar and the education system always has a way to classify them. If we ignore race and gender is a classification on “Merit” still fair? What is merit. And why is it I am based on how fast I run 2 miles, shoot 70%, or get a perfect spelling test? It shows aptitude and motivation. But at the same time it qualifies or disqualifies me. Can’t we work and learn without metrics? I have seen plenty of women with better metrics than me. But as with Artemis space mission, I wouldn’t spend a trillion dollars to put her on the moon just because of DEI😜
  22. I don’t think the exchange matters much. How many times in your life were you in a disagreement and changed your mind or approach? Trump is right Zelensky has no cards to play. There needs to be a strategy. I have stated on previous posts that I do not like this war. I feel for Ukraine, but we give them weapons when there is no chance for them to win. A military operation will not solve this war. It will start a war. Zelensky will have to concede. I don’t know what Russia wants. But diplomacy is more powerful than war.
  23. Some people drive FORDs: fix or repair daily. I drive a DODGE and didn’t know what it stood for until DOGE: Department Of Destroying Government Efficiency. I see this as government trying to control the departments that support it. It is trying to save money that is going to be spent anyway just not on the things Musk sees as waste. They are saying we will save money by spending less. And it sounds logical. But there is a problem: how do you define waste? I don’t like this massive job cutting but I don’t know enough about business and economics to weigh in. I don’t think it’s about truth as much as opinions and feelings. We don’t always know the truth. We go by what we feel is the truth. This is why we can’t agree on political issues. Does it make sense to buy Twitter for 40 billion and save 30 million by cutting the people who make it run jobs? Is it just a creation cycle where Twitter already is established and it is time to move to other projects? I don’t like billionaires controlling the world. But they are responsible for creating a system the economies rely upon. Bernie Sanders gave a speech standing up to the new administration. I liked it and agreed 10 billionaires shouldn’t have more money than the entire bottom half of people combined. But could Bernie create an alternative system that would fit everyone’s needs. What would be fair? How would we employ and feed everyone? I’m not saying Elon is right. We need to keep him in check. That is why we fight over issues. A difference in opinion is good. It makes us think about our decisions.
  24. No, I am saying that he could be a brilliant scientist working to improve the world, but every time he is on the web or tv he represents himself as an idiot. This is why I can’t form an opinion. You know fake news. As I said before if he is doing wrong why hasn’t anyone tried to stop him. Democrats say he doesn’t have the power to fire federal workers and funds congress approved. Then act by righting a new law that isn’t passed. They are senators. I believe they could stop Elon if they wanted. That is what disappoints me. They say things like this goes against rights and we go and do it anyhow. They claim Trump’s policies will reck us, but again we do it anyhow. I think a lot of politicians’ debate and opinions are just for show.
  25. Well you guys are either under estimate him or you don’t like the idea of someone who fits the profile of the perfect and successful scientist act like a jerk and wreck the political structures of the world. That is what troubles me. You want Einstein’s genius with a great world view and personality. Instead you get Elon.
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