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Everything posted by Trurl

  1. Thanks for the info. I am going to attempt it in the future. I like how you can get different molds. If the stuff turns out to tacky you could probably buff it down with a dremel tool. I got a couple insects that are a little interesting in good condition. I have a mosquito that is over an inch long. Also I got a moth that has an interesting wing pattern. I want the preserver to preserve them as well as have something anyone can pick up in their hand and view the insects. Again, thanks for the response and good info.
  2. I have a couple of insects that I would like to preserve. Years ago a friend of mine had a chemical recipe to preserve insects like they had been in hardend tree sap. My question is that if any one knows how to make a fake amber or crystal that preserves insects. My friends solution which I don't have used house hold ingredients and was molded to fit a shape around the insect. So if anyone knows any way to do this, please share the directions.
  3. Does any one here know of a classic experiment in sociology having children make masks? There were three divisions of leadership or work expectations given to three seperate classes. The first class had the most time and given a brief instruction. The second had little time and more strict guidelines. The third was a test group given no instructions or time limit. The first group produced the highest quality masks. The second was lower quality but greater quantity. And the test group was inbetween. I may not have all the details write but you get the idea. So if anyone knows the name of the man who did this study or what the study was called please let me know.
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