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Everything posted by stephaneww

  1. hello Mordred if you think it's necessary, I can post the demonstration of the equivalences Ooops I'm not sure to have the level... . I have use the definitions of the document arxiv
  2. hello I have a new question : (2) is also exactly egals to (3)[LaTex]\frac{2*\pi*4}{l_p^2*\Lambda}[/LaTex] when [LaTex]\Lambda[/LaTex] is in [LaTex]m^{-2}[/LaTex] My question : If (3) is mathematically dimensionless, it seems to have a different "meaning physically". Indeed : . [LaTex]l_p^2\Lambda[/LaTex] (4) is a length multiplied by an energy. So can we say that (4) is "physically dimensionless" and, if no, is it a possible explanation of the vacuum catastrophe?
  3. Thank you Morderd for your patience and your explanations +1 too Have a good week
  4. ok I think I understand indeed my problem : I consider our universe is a black hole.for calculate a termperature but its horizon is beyond so the calculation have no sense
  5. ooops after a quick reading,I think there is perhaps a big confusion : have a look on the image here : http://www.scienceforums.net/topic/91064-dark-energy-unruh-effect-hawking-radiation/ post 7 the horizon I consider in the "paper" is 4,3*10^26 meters, I think that you consider the event horizon (i.e. Hubble radius), but it's not what i talk about. I use the formula which is on wikipedia. Edit : and I know that ,)
  6. my values are with the most recent values of Mission Planck I find 5,3*10^-10 joules/m^3 for the cosmological constant. I on the pdf now nd ready to read it
  7. Does the flow of the expansion don't drive the particles and space beyond c at a certain distance ? I do not understand: it has nothing to do with the fact that we can conceive that every point can be seen as the center of the universe. (I think I have to mix everything up) This is another problem I tried to understand... If you take only the joule value in Planck's units (and let the volume of Planck to calculate the density) * energy density of the cosmological constant in joules/m3 you find something around 1 with ([LaTex]\Omega_\Lambda=1,111*10^{-52}m^{-2}, H_0=67,74[/LaTex]). edit: i have perhaps forget a factor 3/pi The problem become the units : Joules2/m3 Lol note, me too : If you have not succeeded, I do not see how I could Edit : It resembles the stationary universe abandoned since a long time because of cmb this? no ?
  8. Hello Mordred Indeed, there seem to be many serious obstacles to this simplistic calculation. I observe, however, that the temperature which I obtain increases in the course of time. Moreover, the fact that the thermal agitation increases seems to go together with the increase of the entropy (cf the new theory of E. Verlinde ???). I am not qualified enough to discuss the theoretical aspects further. Thank you for your contribution, I felt a little alone. I hold essentially this: Edit : Uh, however, I have a question: Ratios (II) and (III) only concern the Unruh acceleration, which can also be calculated on the basis of relativistic data. This is close to the value of the acceleration of the expansion of the universe. How do you see the question from this point of view please?
  9. ooops in forum_final2.pdf there is a small error in (V) : inverse Mt0 and Mt1 please Happy new year
  10. Hello Sorry I just saw that I have made a small mistake in the PDF file on the gravity surface : it needs a square. Joint here the good PDF : forum_final2.pdf I think it's perhaps interresting because it's a link between the LambdaMCD model and the quantum mechanics
  11. I try an exact value with 3 decimal, in using defintion (1) of this document, the last values of Plank mission and codata values, then I engage a discussion about it. If the moderation think it's necessary, thanks to move the thread in "speculation" section. Cosmological constant = [LaTex]\Lambda = 1,111*10^{-52}* m^{-2}[/LaTex] = [LaTex]9,992*10^{-36}s^{-2}[/LaTex] Vaccum energy density of cosmological constant = [LaTex]5,354**10^{-10} Joules*m^{-3}[/LaTex] Density of quantum vacuum = [LaTex]\frac{m_p}{l_p^3}[/LaTex] = [LaTex]5,155 * 10^{96}*Kg*m^{-3}[/LaTex] "Planck energy density" = [LaTex]4,633**10^{113}Joules*m^{-3}[/LaTex] "Planck energy density" / Vaccum energy density of cosmological constant = [LaTex]8,654*10^{122}[/LaTex] adimensionless ___________________________________________________________________________________________ I have also found that if we exprim the units with s-2 we have : (2) [LaTex]\frac{2*\pi*4}{t_p^2*\Lambda}[/LaTex] exactly egals to : "Planck energy density" / "Vaccum energy density of cosmological constant" = [LaTex]8,654*10^{122}[/LaTex] adimensionless ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Now, if we use [LaTex]\Lambda = 1,111*10^{-52}* m^{-2}[/LaTex] square racine of (2) = [LaTex]8,8*10^{69}*\frac{m}{s}[/LaTex] : is "very" above of the ligth speed so this seems to be an absurd value and seems to mean that the vaccum catastroph is an absurd problem (except perhaps if it's linked to cosmic inflation)
  12. for the time th0 have a look on the mass flow rates. (it's the same relation than linear density but * c) it's also perharps can be due in reason a problem of projection 2D/3D or 3D/4Dimension. In addition it is also possible that the factor 2 is related to antimatter (hidden or missing) the problem for me is that we have only one possibility to observe the distant universe : it's the light and its speed. we can't confirm with another mesure. to illustrate my problem 2D projection / 3D or 3D / 4D, I was inspired by the image of the earth in this post #7: imagine you want to measure a distance on the surface of the earth with a laser beam (either the light at c for unique instrument of measure). If you have a theory that the earth is flat ie that you are in a 2D/3D space, your measurement in 3D real space will you need to find theoretical artifices to keep your 2D theory valid. It could be the same for the measurement of 3D in dimension 4 of relativity theory.
  13. hello a bit in support of the thesis' captcass, I suggest this first approach: What do you think about this loupe and mirror image in relation to the increasing distance of the straight line (save and larger image) that resemble a growing distancing of things that might (?) be seen in a telescope like in the Hubble telescope? and this second approch : "Linear density of Planck"= Mp/Lp=c2/G = mass (including dark energy) per unit length to the radius of Hubble (at the critical density) * 2 = 2*MH0/RH0 same goes for the mass flow rates ... have a good day
  14. ok. thank you imatfaal; i have understand this time have a goode day. ooops... on a french forum somebody give me an explaination : if there is 2 Pi somewhere, this is because something turn and in the case of Hawking temperature he says it's the time. A story of signature of -+++ and ++++ to simplifie calculation. I'm not able to translate all of his long post; sorry. have a good day
  15. hello imatfaall thank you. we can find G with this definition : it's [latex]G=\frac{Temp_p*k_B*l_p^2*c}{\hbar*m_p}[/latex] is that this may be the beginning of a definition of quantum gravity ? Thank you for your answers. stéphane
  16. hello another relation with hawking temperature in planck units which can be interresting : THawking, with surface gravity= G mp/lp² (the same relation which is in the paper) = Planck Temperature / (2*PI) I have no idea about it's sense, thank you if you can also find an explanation to this last relation. Stéphane
  17. Hi I checked and it's ok only for comoving radial distance of the observable universe and with several assumptions. That is why I asked that it be moved to "speculation". I tried to publied a paper about it.It was denied with theses comments : I tried to modify my paper based on comments. The new paper is the pdf file attach.I also attached a copy screen of a spreadsheet ods that shows that calculations are accurate. I should have yours opinions, and if theses calculations may have a physical sense ??? thank you in advance.if you are interested in the ODS or XLT, send me a private message with your email forum_final.pdf have a good day
  18. with current data mission planck, cosmological constant is arround 1,1*10^-52 m^-2. the rest is planck values and c so i think it's possible...
  19. hello can somebody give the exact value of vaccum catastroph with 1 decimal and the calculation please ? thank you in advance. stéphane
  20. it' noarmal in this paper i have made an error on the age of universe : its not in seconde but in billions year. it's the mistake. in seconds i'ts 4,354 * 10^7 thank you
  21. cf the pdf join my problem is the dimension of G thank you for yours answers G.pdf
  22. ok thank you
  23. i m not sure because i m not good in englih but this paper say perhaps other thing http://arxiv.org/ftp/arxiv/papers/1505/1505.00812.pdf edit : hum i think that this paper is a fake edit 2: it's more serious : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black-hole_cosmology
  24. of course i have made it on a french forum : http://forums.futura-sciences.com/astronomie-astrophysique/262091-theorique-de-constante-de-hubble.html#post1999018 i'ts in french, you can use googke traduction for translation
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