How important is science? How important is economics? Which one is more capable of dealing with climate change? What do you think and what do other people think?
We are researchers from the University of Otago’s Centre for Science Communication in New Zealand, and we are working to understand how practicing scientists with Masters or PhD degrees judge the relative importance of science and economics in solving major challenges such as climate change, food security, health, natural resource management, and environmental protection.
We will be running a survey and we hope that you might fill it in. The survey should take no more than 15 minutes, is voluntary, anonymous, and has ethics approval from the University of Otago. The survey will be open until the 30th of September.
The Survey is now open and available here: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/L2FB6WP
Yours, with thanks,
Fabien Medvecky
PhD University of Sydney
Vicki Macknight
PhD University of Melbourne