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Everything posted by puppypower

  1. I used the example of the dream as being a form of natural data that the brain generates. If we could get computers to spontaneously generate such content, it would be marveled at. We all have had dreams to know such data does indeed exist. We also have all had dreams with unique content. Since this unique content is real ad may occur millions of times a night, but can't be proven in a scientific way, what is real millions of time is called irrelevant. This means data can be left out, so one can draw biased conclusions, called acceptable. Psychology, is called soft science because it will make use of unique data and not stick its head in the sand, based on the philosophy of science. But since this is not fully by the book; repeatable, it is deemed soft science, meaning it used too much data and departs from the collective external data only bias. Instead of a dream, say my unique data was a feeling of God. This data can also be real data. The best you get out of the philosophy of science will be soft science at best or irrelevant at worse. This is a good observation. Not all religions have deities. There is no God in Buddhism, yet this is called a religion. God is not the common thread that defines a religion unless you use part data. There is something more fundamental with atheism a non-deity religion. This religion angle could explain why a nativity scene to an atheist is like sunlight to a vampire. The nativity scene creates external data; object that is reproducible. The atheist religion needs to get rid of all the external data from its competitor, so what is left is only internal data, which can be denied. What such atheists need to do is go up to a nativity scene and observed the internal things that it may trigger, knowing this data, although real, will be denied. They appear to get spooked by what they see and feel, yet the method is not applied to them. This is because the atheists only apply this to competing religions and not heir own godless religion.
  2. One thing that is not addressed is, mitochondrial DNA does not have enough genes to code for all the proteins it needs to do its entire job. The DNA in the cell's nucleus contains supplemental genes that are needed by the mitochondria. If we extrapolate the mitochondria, way back into time, to when it was self sufficient; before merging into the cell, and compare this to modern mitochondria, modern mitochondria have lost genes; self sufficiency, and turning gene over to the cell's DNA for external support. If we combine this with the observation, that some areas of the DNA are more subject to change, while others area are more conservative, the mitochondria appear to have been reducing itself to mostly highly conserved genes. The cellular DNA appears to have most if not all of the more whimsical genes. The mitochondrial DNA is in a conserved steady state that appears in all humans.
  3. In terms of proving or not proving God, the scientific method is not designed to address a wide range of phenomena connected to the mind and consciousness. For example, if I had a dream and recorded all the details, these details, even if accurate, true, and done with the best of care, will violate the philosophy of science, since this data can't be proven or reproduced by others. One would have to have faith in my ability to be accurate, which is not allowed. Dreams are a real brain output that everyone has experienced, whether you see use or not. We have the tools to know when someone is dreaming, but the details are not easy to confirm, even though dream detail data is as common as sand; billions of such data points each night. Someone could have a dream, gathering hard data, know the truth, but science cannot go there and will say this is not proven. There is gap between what is real and what is allowed. Hypothetically, if an experience of God was an affect of the mind, such experiences could be based on hard data that is internally generated like a waking dream. But since this data is unique and not reproducible in the lab, science will erroneous assume it did not occur, not because of proof, but because of philosophy. What then happens is such people, who know what they saw or felt, need to find others with similar experiences, who can empathize with unique fact, in the land of science exclusion based on philosophy. The philosophy of science as designed to factor out subjectivity and other internally generated data and perception, so what will remain is external reality. This is where we all can agree. The fact that the founding fathers of science found the need to factor things out, suggests they knew another layer of internal data existed. When someone is threatened and backed into a corner, you are force to fight from there. If I attacked Darwin's theory of evolution for not including genetics, because I don't wish to learn, I can make you fight from there. Y Atheism does not live and let live, but is on the attack with 1st grade PhDs. No atheist will attempt to start a friendly conversation about the sayings of Solomon. They will attempt to fight you into a corner, and then say you are fixating on nonsense.
  4. The problem is, atheism irrationally throws out the baby with the bathwater when it comes to religion. Say we work under the atheist claim that God cannot be proven, if you read the bible or any other religious book, there are many others things besides this one point. There is genealogy, history, common sense, and even literary music; Isaiah. However, atheism will irrational lump all as one thing. The problem appears to be that atheists only appear to know religion at the first grade Sunday school level. This is when the mythology of Adam and Eve and Noah's Ark are taught to children. Children learn easier using fables. Since this first grade education cannot be confirmed by adult atheists, they throw out the baby (all the rest) with the bathwater, and look no further. The analogy would be a theist looking at first grade science, which might teach children atoms are like planets orbiting around the sun. This is not true and can't be proven. However, this is taught to first graders because first graders can't understand wave functions. If I was irrational I would say since the electrons are not like planets, science is false. Since this science is false, I won't look at any further, since all must be false. If you look at someone who gets all irrational because someone prays in public or set up a nativity scene, how is this rational? That person is giving power to what they call imaginary, as though it is real. Their superstitious reaction has to do with ignorance created by the1st grade religion education given by atheism. This much education is considered enough for an atheist PhD in religion. All you need to do is read any discussion of religion, in any science forum, and it never leaves 1st grade. If the religious people try to add quotes or history, which is more high school level, this is censored or atheist experts will try to regress back to first grade.
  5. There is a difference between morality and ethics. This was not programmed into the computer, because the data base used was connected to Hollywood, which tries to blur this distinction. The computer could come to a useful conclusion based on this data base. This tells us something about the propaganda in movies and also how lack of a full objective data set, tends to degenerate the discussion to emotions. Propaganda does not benefit by all the facts, since it needs a void, so the discussion degenerates to emotions. Hollywood is liberal so this is expected. Morality is based on the needs of the team, while ethics is based on the needs of the individual. In team sports, coach will set limits and restrictions on all the players so the team can become more than the sum of its parts. If we added ethics to the team, this would mean giving all the players more say on what they think and feel their role and activity level should be. If this distinction is blurred, the team can get worse or the players can get discontent. In America, the team divides into factions and discontent due to the blur. If you look at any of the ten commandments, there were all designed to benefit the team. Even the first; one God, preempts discussions that could cause the team to separate into factions and stop cooperating. Ethics, on the other hand, is more about the needs of the individual. Ethically, we would try to find a way that allows people to believe what they wish, respect to a God or not. But if a balance is exceeded, the can team can suffer. In these discussion forums atheist and theists often undermine each other. The forum team will break down due to ethics; everyone does their own thing. The team affect behind morality is rational and not random. A coach can't just randomly put any player anywhere and still ago to the championship. He needs to carefully create a logical order based no situational needs. Ethics is more irrational since the needs of any given individual can have no logical rhyme or reason. It is often based on this feeling right for me. Too much ethics, will add too much irrationality to the reasoning of team morality, thereby breaking down the team; degenerating reason to emotion. The computer simulated the impact of Hollywood liberal propaganda on the mind. Liberals tend to be more emotional and angry due to the void created by their propaganda, which blurs the line between ethics and morality.
  6. The simplest explanation; Occum's Razor, is entangled particles could occur if space-time becomes dissociated into space and time that become separated from each other. As a visual analogy, consider space-time as a fabric. Next, say we separate the fabric of space-time into separate threads of space and separate thread of time, like a hole in blue jeans. If we now follow a white space thread, that is independent of the blue time threads, since time is no longer connected, things can happen over space without time; entanglement. A wormhole is just a larger hole in the blue jeans of space-time; space threads become concentrated.
  7. If you look at dogs, some dogs will go through the motions of what appears to be homosexual behavior; try to hump each other. This behavior in dogs and other animals is often used to justify homosexuality as being natural in nature and therefore to humans. Dogs of the same sex, who try to hump each other, is actually a form of aggression and not sexuality. This behavior tends to happen with dogs who are competing for alpha, but who don't wish to hurt each other due to being of the same pack. They will use this behavior for dominance, as a substitute for stronger competition violence that can lead to injury. Not only is top dog homosexual style humping observed, but it is also natural for the dog on the bottom to resist and fight back using normal aggression. If you observe dogs, although the top dog may go through the motions of homosexual behavior, the two dogs never actually engage in coitus, because this behavior has little to do with sexuality. This is where humans cross the line. Homophobic behavior, on the other hand, is natural among dogs because this is a reaction to aggression. If you look at homosexual activists, they show a lots of aggression. One may argue that this underlying aggression may be why whips, chains and leather are often part of homosexual props. This display of stage aggression, in public, may lead to defensive behavior.
  8. If you compare a continuous universe (contains all in the middle) with a quantum universe, the quantum universe has fewer states. What that means is quantum makes the universe less random than a continuous universe. Quantum loaded the dice of the universe so fewer sides can ever appear compared to continuous. For example, there would be an infinite number of energy levels for a continuous model of hydrogen energy levels. With a quantum universe there are only 5. The infinite sided dice of continuous become loaded so only five sides can appear in quantum. The irony is, before the discovery of the quantum universe, science assumed continuous functions governed by logic; age of reason. After the discovery of quantum it assumed a random universe, even though quantum had loaded the dice compared to continuous and moved nature even more in the direction of rational determinism. This irrationality may have been due to the atheist religion in science not wanting to concede anything to the deterministic approach of religion, even though quantum implied this even more so. It could also have also been due to a watering down of talent, since logic was harder to do than black box math. Or applied science and industry needed talent and could have more bodies with a black box approach; makes more money. That aside, loading the dice also has the effect of saving time. If A and B need to happen, before C can happen, so the universe can evolve, then the fewer the options the faster this can happen. For example, in the case of the hydrogen spectra, instead of hydrogen fluctuating over a continuous spectrum with even slight changes of energy, quantum snaps the electrons into firm energy levels, ready for step 2. If we save time, more is left over allowing nature to progress even further before the universe ends. Quantum moved the universe closer toward the ideal of the age of reason; logical determinism. However, the mind of science did not see this logical consequence, but history shows it became more irrational by assuming the universe had become more random. This may have been due to the stress of war and having to make the bombs. Random gives one better excuses for failure in front of hardline military types who have invested billions.
  9. Romantic move is not something you investigate from the outside, standing on the sidelines. Rather you need to experience this from the inside. There is a difference between watching someone being in love and having that experience for yourself. It may look irrational from the outside, but from the inside it has a sense of collective direction. Science approaches the problem of romantic love as someone standing on the sidelines, watching in the third person. Ironically, the scientific method, by detaching oneself in the third person, to avoid subjectivity, misses the boat, because romantic love contains lots of subjectivity a part of the phenomena. This results in scientific objectivity becoming subjective, to all the facts, which is why there is no standardize theory, only subjective opinion pieces. One has to immerse oneself into the subjectivity of love, to be objective to it. There is a paradox involved. The things of the mind require a modified scientific method, where the scientist needs to be both the observer and the experiment. Personally firmware also needs to be experienced from the inside, since they are not as obvious from the outside. The seed analogy was for illustration and does not mean there are actually seeds growing in the brain. Rather these seeds are connected to our natural learning potential, driven by various firmware; collective human propensity. If you ever watched a kitten playing, its imagination generates training scenarios, where it will chases imaginary prey. It is learning through this internal/external interaction; hunting firmware. If you have even been in love, the beloved can take on almost mythological character; most beautiful woman or the smartest man you know. There is a subjective exaggeration that is part of the lure for its learning potential. Anyone will be attracted to the most beautiful person and will linger to gather data. Falling out of love is often connected to the firmware shutting down or shifting. The ancient people were quite conscious of the firmware as inferred by these being projected as the gods and goddesses. Aphrodite would be a projection of the firmware of romantic love. She was a force of fate, beyond human will and choice, who would intercede so humans would attract in love.
  10. An interesting contrast, in terms of the meaning of rights, is to contrast the right to bear arms with the right to have an abortion. The right to be bear arms affords one the option to own guns or not. Poor people have the right to own guns. If a poor person can't afford a gun, the government does not buy guns for them even though they have the right to own one. This right to bear arms implies one has the option to own one, but it is up to each person, regardless of social status, to be self providing. It was designed for self reliant adults. The right to abortion is not a right of the same kind, because it does not imply self sufficiency, since it has a connection to government funding. The government will pay for abortions but not guns for the poor. If all public sector funding was removed from abortion, but women could still have an abortion on demand, their right is not violated. It is the same as the 2nd amendment. A right affords one an option to act, but one is expected to be self sufficient. This original definition may have been connected to only white men voting in the beginning, with those men more self sufficient. The right to abortion is a misnomer since it involved lack of self sufficiency.
  11. The human personality is grounded on what I like to refer to as personality firmware. The personality firmware are genetic based and define our human nature and characterize us as a species. The lion has different firmware; lion nature. Love and romance is connected to one of these firmware and therefore makes love and romance collective human; similar in all humans. Only the place and time is different. All the firmware are assumed to be empty birth, but contain genetic potential for their development. The best analogy are seeds. The plant seed is a simple thing that has the genetic potential to form a mature plant such as a tomato plant with tomatoes. Like a tomato plant, although the seeds knows what to do to develop its shape and nature through genetic potential, the final plant is also dependent on the environment. Variables like amount of sunlight, rain, soil pH, nutrient level, wind, virus, bugs, etc., can also impact the final plant. One pack of seeds split between a green thumb and black thumb, can result in different looking plants; healthy and mutant. The firmware seeds, when activated, such as the firmware of love and romance, have a natural growth potential. Just like the plant, which draws in food and water as part of its development, the firmware induce a natural learning potential for data to satisfy the needs of its development. Firmware activation and the needs of development can induce and even compel us to to interact with the environment; beloved, to gain data for its growth. The beloved can become the most beautiful person in the world. This is not real but is how the firmware is storing the processed data. One wild card is male and female have different firmware in terms of order and character. These are design by nature to complement and mesh like gears. An important part of the learning potential from the firmware of love is connected to gaining data via cross sexual programming. The beloved take on its each others traits as part of the meshing. There are many bottlenecks in terms of the firmware of love not reaching health fruition. In the case of Romeo and Juliet, social protocol became a virus for the firmware development causing the plants to die young. Personal problems and inhibitions to the whirl wind of love can be like not enough water so the plant wilts. While too much obsession can become like over fertilizing and cause nutrient burn. Even the liberal idea of male and female equality; firmware, can cause the gears not to mesh. The net effect is the firmware of love is often activate but environmental conditions impact the yield of good fruit.
  12. If the BB primordial atom; singularity, had quantum divided, similar to cell division, the lowering mass density induced by each division, would lead the expansion of space-time via GR. This would create an expanding universe that appears to expand at many centers at the same time, due to GR, This model has other advantages in that it also allows the superstructures of the universe to form early due to starting with large quantum chunks, instead of the assembly of atomization, implied by the standard model. The observed expansion of the universe, relative to the galaxies, would then suggest that the galaxy level cells, were the last cell division. These terminal cells would expand in a more atomized way similar to the standard model, with local gravity in control. The advantage of the quantum division is this schema has a smaller entropy profile compared to a singular BB dissociation event. In other words, there is less entropy increase for the first the first division, compared to a complete atomization. Since an entropy increase requires energy, the cell division schema needs less energy to begin an expansion.
  13. The conservation of energy implies an absolute reference in the universe. In SR, there is a relativistic mass term, which is connected to the energy balance. Space and time, apart from an energy balance, may appear relative. The relativistic mass term is often discounted and never used as part of relative reference because this is the thorn on the claw of the relative reference assumption. As an example, say we have two space ships in outer space, one with mass M and other other with mass 2M. While all the crews were sleeping, we gave one of the two ships velocity V using energy E. When they awake they see relative velocity V between them but can't tell who is who. With space-time alone motion may appear relative. However, an energy balance will tell us which of the two has tangible motion, since E energy impacts M and 2M differently. The main problem with relative reference is it can violate energy conservation, by unknowingly adding or subtracting energy to or from the universe. The idea of no center of the universe means we don't know the universal energy. Say we didn't know whether ship M or ship 2M had the motion, since nobody tells us the energy balance. Instead we say this is relative and agreed upon M as the moving reference, We have just underestimated the energy by 50%. This of itself is not bad, until we we see an anomaly in space and need to postulate extra mystery energy to close the energy balance. If we had picked the proper reference nothing new is needed. Since we know 2M is in energy based motion, its space-time and relativistic mass effects are tangible since they are based by real energy. If this crew met the other crew they would all be younger.
  14. The mass of the ice cannot be ignored, because the mass of the ice is proportional to the total heat needed to melt the ice. One gram of ice will take less heat to melt than 100 grams of ice. The mass of ice times the heat of fusion allows us to calculate the total energy that needs to be absorbed for complete melting. We then take that amount of energy away from the water to find the final temperature of the water. This is where you use liquid mass and heat capacity.
  15. There is a difference between natural selection and artificial selection. The idea of de-extinction seems to imply artificial selection, since this is not chosen by nature. Who decides which extinct species need to be reintroduced and how much environmental manipulation will be needed to make it work?
  16. You may need to reverse engineer this to infer a scenario. The experiment requires only time dilation in space-time, To do this we need to add extra time to space-time, which implies an acceleration d/t/t. As we accelerate in space-time, we have velocity d/t incrementally increasing; space-time changes, as a function of time.
  17. If you look at the concept of space-time it is based on the union of two mental abstracts. Time, for example, is not considered a substance or a potential, but only an abstraction. We can't save time in a bottle or use time to do work. When gravity bends space-time nothing tangible is actually bending. Only an abstraction bends therefore the bending occur only in the imagination or on paper. We use this abstraction as a placeholder for the imagination so we can model reality..Religion does the same thing. Space-time is often represented as a fabric. The fabric analogy helps the intangible appear more tangible. Let us start with this fabric of space-time and separate the weave into separate threads of space and separate threads of time. Separated threads allows us to follow a time thread independent of space, or a space thread independent of time. The former allows us to know the history (passage of time) for the universe, simultaneously, since it is not dependent space; omniscience. If we follow a space thread independent on time, we can be anywhere in the universe in zero time; omnipresence. These are two attributes that have historically been attributed to God. It appears space-time was reversed engineered from religious concepts. The intersection of space and time to begin the weave of the fabric defines a limiting case where omnipresence and omniscience limit each other; BB universe. If you look at a fabric there are always short lengths of pure threads between intersection points; below. The intersections of space and time are separated giving us a quantum universe, between which are segments of pure time and/or space threads. This composite was historically attributed to the two entangled realms; material and spiritual. The spiritual realm of pure threads is where the whim of the gods; randomness, impacts the material realm. It is random only in the material realm where time and space are self limiting. Acceleration due to forces of nature is d/t/t . Force and acceleration imply a fabric woven with two parts time threads and one part space threads. If we begin with space-time to be consistent, then acceleration and therefore force is due to extra time embroidered into the fabric of space-time.
  18. Say we assume God is a product of the human imagination, for the sake of argument. This approach is not unique to religion, because physics also follows this template and does the same thing. For example, the concept of space-time, which is fundamental to physics and math uses two variables space and time. Space is a void, while time is not considered to be a potential or thing, It is only a reference variable. We can't save time in a bottle or use time to do work. What that means is when space-time contracts or expands, nothing actually contracts in tangible reality, since time is not a thing while space is void of things. It only happens in the imagination. This concept provides a way for the mind and imagination to describe connections in reality, using two connected reference variables that are not tangible, but are humanly defined. When someone says gravity is due to the bending of space-time, something that is not tangible; no substance, causes a tangible thing like gravity to appear. It sounds like an atheist version of man playing god. Say we extrapolate space-time, since this is a product of the imagination. We will start with the fabric of space-time. Fabric gives the imagination the impression of somethings we can touch and feel. This allows space-time to appear to be more than a mental placeholder. I will unweave this fabric into separate threads of space and separate threads of time. This is like the hole in the blue jeans which starts to unravel into blue and white threads. This allows us to follow a time line/thread independent of space (white thread without touch a blue thread) Or we can follow a space thread independent of time. The first allows us to know the history of all points in the universe, simultaneously , since only time is operative. While the second options allows us to be anywhere in the universe in zero time. The first describes omniscience; know all, while the second describes omnipresence; is everywhere, both which are historical attributes of God. One imaginary placeholder can be used to derive the other. My guess is space-time may have been reverse engineered from religious concepts of omnipresence and omniscience. If we intersect a time line with a space line, omniscience and omnipresence become limited by each other. Now we can know only know about at a specific point; (BB Cosmology). The fabric of space-time still contains a connection to the separated threads of space and time, because in any weave there are short spacers of pure time and space threads that exist between intersections. This is connected to the ancient belief that God is everywhere but in a different realm. Reality is quantum spaced between intersections.
  19. In the physical chemical world, material properties are dependent on temperature and pressure. This dependency is plotted out as phase diagrams. For example, water at high temperature and pressure become a metal. This cannot occur at high temperature, alone. This observed trend in physical chemical data; pressure and temperature, extrapolates to the materials of the BB, and thereafter, going through phases changes as it cooled and expanded; lower T and P. In particle accelerators, we generate high energy; temperature equivalent, but do this at earth surface pressure. This data may not apply at extreme pressure even though we extrapolate this low isobaric data to all pressures.
  20. I am a conceptual modeler. This means I look at the foundation premises that support theory. Dark energy and matter are needed because the existing foundation cannot support some of the latest observational data. Dark matter and energy is needed to sister up some of the support structure, so they can continue to build. These claims can't be wrong or else any rational person will condemn adding more weight to a structure that has been compromised. It is like a building that was designed for two stories but they wish to add a third. This is an accident waiting to happen unless they sure up the foundation. I used the finger of God as an example of parallel inference so one can better see the detachment that is hoped will sure things up.
  21. Medicines for diabetes allow people to survive and live normal lives. Doctors will often ask if anyone in your extended family has or had diabetes since they know this can be passed forward. It will need medicine or else selective pressure can cause problems. The medicine reduces the stress and allows this genetic affect to pass forward. Now if someone has diabetes it is not even considered a big deal with respect to survival due to treatment options; lowered pressure. Lions and Tigers are considered separate species, yet they can mate and have cubs. These cubs are called Ligers. This mating does not happen in the wild due to geographical separation. The point is science does not catalog humans in the same way as they catalog lions and tigers. This different set of catalog rules tends to funnel thinking down conceptually inconsistent lines in terms of evolution. One could say Australians and Canadians are separate species, like lions and tigers. It takes manmade means/choice for them to meet/mate to beget Custralians. Different people from different races each have their characteristic physical features. These all come from common ancestors who migrated out of Africa. Migration is a wild card, since it is based on a conscience choice to move from high pressure to where there is less pressure and therefore more odds for selection. Migration allows the brain to pick an environment that best suits the strengths and weaknesses of the genetic clothes. It is not the DNA adapting to a fixed environment. If humans had stayed in Africa, and therefore migration was not used to lower pressure for certain individuals, there would not be as many races of humans; separate species like lions and tigers who can mate.
  22. Free will occurs because humans have two centers of consciousness. We have an instinctive center of consciousness, which is also common to animals, called the inner self. This is what makes animals conscious and integrates them with nature via instinct. Humans, are unique among the critters in that we also have a secondary center, called the ego, which can make choices apart from instinct and the inner self. The choices of the ego are connected to culture and learning. These choices may or may not be natural and therefore may to may not coordinate with the inner self. For example, the inner self may give us a natural urge to eat. The ego can sense being hungry. It can then choose to go along with that urge, ignore the urge, or postpone the urge. Once we do decide to eat, the body and inner self may also decide we need to eat X amount. The ego can find this sweet spot, overeat or under eat, with deviation having potential long term consequences on health. When the ego first appeared the inner self was far more conscious. The symbolism of Lucifer, who was the precursor of Satan, was the morning light because the ego was helping the inner self, as civilization begins to form. The ego was helping to extrapolate natural instinct into a new type of environment never before on the earth. But as the ego became more developed, the inner self became less and less conscious, so deviation and repression begins to appear. In modern times, it is difficult to define natural human instinct due to the unconsciousness of the inner self. We make free choices apart from the inner self, by default, due to being unconscious of the real time natural path. As an analogy of God and human free will, picture a computer programmer who is trying to develop artificial intelligence or a conscious computer. The inner self is analogous to the foundation operating system, common to all the computers in the network, that funnels each computer and the network down preprogramed paths. The AI is analogous to the ego, which one day appears in one of the computers, that allows it to think and act apart from the foundation programs. There are pitfalls for having artificial intelligence since that one computer can now make choices which can help or undermine the foundation software. If the AI appeared, the programmer will be amazed with pride and will hope he can influence the free will of the AI, so it can be an asset. But he also knows that free will means making choices apart from the programmer and its internal program. If the AI, as an act of free will, crashes the network, this very act of conscious choice, although bad/evil to everyone else, it is nevertheless an amazing occurrence that the programmer will love. He knows the AI is just learning to walk and has to learn and evolve, with the hope that someday it will coordinate with the operating system and network, and take that to higher levels of functionality.
  23. An important aspect of life that allows life to regulate entropy is hydrogen bonding. Hydrogen bonding forms between hydrogen and highly electronegative atoms like oxygen and nitrogen. What makes a hydrogen bond unique is it can be polar (a) or covalent (b). It can switch back and forth between these two states while maintaining the hydrogen bond. This is shown below with a slight activation energy hill between states. This allows the hydrogen bond to act like a binary switch between two stable states. The polar (a) state has a smaller bond length. It also has a higher enthalpy and higher entropy than the covalent state. The covalent state (b) has a longer bond length, lower enthalpy and lower entropy. The reason for the difference is the polar state lowers charge potential by lowering distance but it is not too fussy in terms of position. This allows more entropy. While the covalent state needs to expand the bond length, to allow covalent bonding orbitals to overlap. These orbitals need to be in very specific positions to get proper overlap. This exact positioning lowers the entropy and the enthalpy. By flipping the binary switch, between states the cell can adjust entropy, enthalpy and volume at the nanoscale. The observation that DNA, RNA and protein all use hydrogen bonding is because of the water-oil affect. Since this cause potential to increase, the organics evolved a way to lower this potential with water; dominant phase. This theoretically allows the binary switch and the control of entropy, enthalpy and volume to extend to the organics.
  24. Climate models use both CO2 and aerosol parameters to calculate the net temperature change, since these two things impact temperature in opposite directions. The aerosols reflect light and lower T while CO2 traps heat and raise T. The computer models have all been using the old higher aerosol numbers and thereby estimate the countering effect of CO2 as being higher to account for the observed temperatures. This new study lowers those aerosol numbers, this year, which means the impact of CO2 needs to come down or else T will be estimated higher than observed. There has not been a rise in 15 years but the models still say the temperature is going up, due to using the wrong aerosol and CO2. Aerosols were important when the globe appeared to show global cooling in the 1970's. This was a possible smoking gun and was quantified. This was revisited and found to have been over estimated. I would guess they were hoping for the opposite results for aerosols, since now the truth will make them outsiders due to political science. Political science is where emotional smoke will be used to cool people against them by shielding the warmth of the sun; truth.
  25. In that case you need to use G=H-TS when addressing entropy changes since internal energy can lower or increase.
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