I'd recommend the book General Chemistry: Principles and Modern Applications (10th ed.): http://www.amazon.com/General-Chemistry-Principles-Applications-MasteringChemistry/dp/0136121497 It deals with the most common chemistry topics, such as atoms, chemical bonding, thermochemistry, gases, acids and bases, the periodic table etc etc. But also more advanced topics such as nuclear chemistry, structures- and reactions of organic compounds etc. The difference between this book and high school chemistry books is that all elements are explained in great detail. It's way more in-depth than high school chemistry, and more advanced. 1400 pages of awesomeness. The explanations are thorough and the examples/questions are great. I'm studying Kemi 1 (the first Chemistry course on high school level) at komvux (the Swedish version of municipality adult education), and the General Chemistry book is comprehensible for me. It's even better than my current literature.