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Everything posted by Spyman

  1. LOL, so when You talk to males with long hair You find Yourself on the wrong side 50% of the times ?
  2. Finding a way to measure it and experimentaly prove it would probably change the view of relativity. On the other hand if Big Bang Theory is correct then as mentioned in other posts above the CMB is the true frame of zero velocity on a universal scale. (The predicted, (by me), results of Your experiments.) So I think You might like reading this Quote of Martin:
  3. OK, take a solid perfectly formed spherical body and split it into different layers from the surface to the center. Now You can calculate the force of gravity for each layer and then add them togheter to get the total sum of gravity for the center. For every layer the force will be zero thus total sum ends up zero. Nobody knows whats happens to the space between particles when a BH is created, it's is not even known whats happens to the particles. How do You squeeze a vacuum ? It's possible to have empty bubbles inside a body, even in the center, but how to squeeze emptyness ? There is pressure inside a body but the pressure is not caused directly by gravity itself, it's caused by the weight of the matter above. (Which is caused by gravity.) The pressure will fill out holes if matter lets it, liquid, soft enough or in other ways. But if the hole is empty, nothing inside it will be squeezed. If the matter is to rigid to let the pressure fill out the holes they will be trapped inside the matter, but not trapped by gravity. If You take a perfectly empty closed box and squeeze it togheter, will the space inside the box get squeezed or will the walls of the box move inside space to get closer to each other ? When You walk do You squeeze space in front of You and streach it behind ? Is matter for always attached to a point in space or is it lose to move around inside space ?
  4. But it's still a interesting question, if it is somehow possible to by measurements confirm a zero velocity relative space itself. Just look at all the threads on the subject or related to it. When saying that nothing can move through space faster than light one can easily start thinking nothing can move through space slower than zero. Off topic: At the center of universe the gravitational potential should be at maximum, the sum of gravity forces is zero.
  5. Lets compare breasts to guns... Two guns with the same technical properties but with different sizes. If You where to use the gun as a hammer or something then the biggest would be the best. But when using it as it's meant, shooting at targets, You will find the smaller one better. (Holding a big gun takes a lot more energy from You, which gives less accuracy.) Which gun will be the most impressive one, on average people ? (The best or the biggest.) So a bigger breast may not be better but it's easier to spot and it gives a "bigger" impression. (Big impression can be an advantage.) Edit: Martin, I have also read about "the size of breasts has little to no effect on milk production" but it was not from a trusted source. And it didn't include the storage capability of milk between the feeding times. So a small, (but still normal sized), breast may produce milk as fast as a big, (but still normal sized), breast but it can't store the same amount. (More stored milk = shorter feeding time = survivor advantage)
  6. Where is the center of gravity for a hollow spherical body - In the center. Is there a particle there - No, it's hollow. Can there be a particle there - Yes, but it makes no difference. Inside a hollow sphere there is no gravity force pulling particles to the center. Thus nothing is necessarily "trapped" at/in the center of gravity.
  7. And when the male was looking for a mate in the first place, he would want the female to have good breasts to increase the survival rate of his offspring.
  8. Yes, make a circle and calculate the sum of gravity for any position inside the circle, they will all have the same sum of gravity = zero. When the position is closer to one wall that part of the wall pulling it will also be smaller and in the opposite direction the distanse is greater but there will be more part of the wall. In a perfect circle You will find they exactly cancel out each other.
  9. Sorry, I just wanted to remove the uncertainty of the movement of the person on Earth... The Earth is moving in a complicated pattern, it rotates, it revolves the Sun, it revolves the Milky Way, problably revolves around our group of galaxies to and even more. When the spaceship returns to the starting point, (where the clocks was set), the Earth will not be there.
  10. Well, if the universe is a hypersphere, then how do we know which clock will tick slowest ? If 2 spaceships with constant velocity synchronizes their clocks when they pass and then moves on without acceleration in a straight line and then check their clocks again when they pass each other the second time. Will they still be synchronized ? Or which will lag behind ? In a hypersphere they won't need to turn around to meet again, right ? (At least not in the 3D we know about and can measure.) Finally they will arrive at the synchronization point again, but at different times which will show a different speed and which was the fastest one. But did they know that already from the second pass or not ?
  11. My Vote: Yes, but not within my lifetime. Thats leaves a really looong time for us to develop anything we want.
  12. Thats understandable since You do a lot of posting. You have been clear on this point all the time. This was my "point". Thats what I thought, Thank You !
  13. Connect the multimeter as an parallell resistor to the resistor You want to measure the voltage over. 10 MOhm = 10 000 000 Ohm (M = Mega or Million) 10 MOhm parallell to 450 Ohm = 1/ (1/450 + 1/10000000) = 449.98 Ohm I2 = 10 mA gives without voltmeter = 0.01 * 450 = 4.5 V and with voltmeter = 0.01 * 449.98 = 4.4998 V To calculate the exact value You must do the whole calculation from the beginning again with the multimeter inserted, but as You can see in the approximated value the change is very small. If measuring over a resistor with smaller value the difference will be smaller, hence I picked the largest. Question: "Would you expect this resistance to significantly affect the measurement of voltages in the above circuit?" Your answer: "Since the resistance of the multimeter is so large, it would result in there being no voltage for the rest of the circuit beyond the multimeter." Your answer is not correct. Where do You connect the multimeter and how ? Maybe You are trying to insert it as when measuring currents ?
  14. Sarah, You are welcome, The answer to Q3 in my above post #18. klanger, be very careful when using a multimeter without knowing the difference of measuring voltage and current. The multimeter can explode and cause serious injury ! If inserted wrongly in for instance the power jack in Your house, say 110 V AC and with only resistance of 10 Ohm, (switched for current), then the current through the meter would be I=U/R=110/10 = 11 Ampere and the power released as heat would be P=U*I=110*11=1210 Watt.
  15. Hold on, I will edit my post whilst doing the calculations... Question 1: ========= 1) You must calculate the whole resistance of the circuit. Serie = 110 + 40 = 150 Ohm Parallell = 1 / (1/450 + 1/150) = 113 Ohm Serie = 112 + 113 = 225 Ohm 2) The flow of current from battery (I1) I1 = 9 / 225 = 40 mA 3) The voltage over 112 Ohm resistor (All flow goes through here) U(112) = 0.04 * 112 = 4.48 V 4) The voltage over 450 Ohm resistor (Sum in circuit is zero) U(450) = 9 - 4.48 = 4.52 V 5) The flow of current through 450 Ohm resistor (I2) I2 = 4.52 / 450 = 10 mA 6) The last flow of current (Sum of in connection point is zero) (I3) I3 = 40 - 10 = 30 mA 7) The voltage over 110 Ohm resistor U(110) = 0.03 * 110 = 3.3 V 8) The voltage over 40 Ohm resistor U(40) = 0.03 * 40 = 1.2 V Question 2: ========= When measuring the current with a multimeter You need to break up the circuit and insert the multimeter in serie with the component You are to measure the flow through. (Hence the low resistance inside the multimeter when measuring current.) Thus the new resistance of that part of the circuit will be: Serie = 110 + 40 +10 = 160 Ohm Then go through the parts in question 1 again down to point 6 (I3) and You will have a new value for I3. Question 3: ========= When measuring voltages, the resistance of the multimeter is very high, (10 MΩ seems good), because then You insert the multimeter as parallell. If measuring the voltage of a battery with low resistance You would drain it and if measuring a higher voltage the flow of current could be so high that the multimeter would melt. "Would you expect this resistance to significantly affect the measurement of voltages in the above circuit ?" On which resistor should a parallell resistance of 10 000 000 Ohm have the most effect and how much ? New resistance = 1 / (1/450 + 1/10000000) = 449.98 Ohm You can continue to calculate the voltage but I doubt i would change much.
  16. The voltage across the circuit is 9 V. Voltage across each resistor is depending of the value of resistanse and the flow of amperes through each resistor. So voltage will differ between the resistors and all will be below 9V. Formulas: Ohm's law U(Volt)=R(Resistans)*I(Ampere) Resistanse in serie coupling Rtot = R1 + R2 + R3 ... and so on Resistanse in parallell Rtot = 1 / ( 1/R1 + 1/R2 + 1/R3 ... and so on ) Kirchoff's laws Sum of Ampere to and from any point is zero & Sum of Voltage through the circuit is zero
  17. Read the evidence part: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Big_Bang No, according to Big Bang theory our dimensions are on the surface of the balloon, not inside. So inside is as undefined as the outside.
  18. Then what about the inside of the balloon ?
  19. Well, first You must decide which shape the Universe has, number of dimensions and so on. (There seems to be a lot of theories about this but no prof.) And if I am not totaly wrong then the most common, (Big Bang), is that Universe has a shape without edge. (Bent in another dimension like a balloon, whatever direction You go, You will end up where You start.) If You decide to belive in a theory where Universe has an edge, then You must decide what an edge consist of, where to draw the line, whats inside and whats outside. In this case You can have several edges, how far we can travel, how far we can look, edge of stars, edge of life, edge of matter, edge of light or edge of gravity and several others.
  20. And when he comes back the spaceman is younger not older than the time past on Earth.
  21. Somehow that also raises the question: If given enough energy is it possible to pull a Black Hole apart ?
  22. I thought the biggest problem was how all matter managed to escape from gravity in the early beginning. The Universe was so compact, it should have collapsed from the force of gravity and formed a Black Hole.
  23. I still use an old DOS program at my work that has a similar problem... It tells me that today is 5-02-1051 but in all other ways it works fine.
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