It is similar to asking what exists below -273degC or how do new galaxies keep springing up. To say that unless something can be proved scientifically it is not to be believed at all hence the theory of the existence of God is not scientific, please will someone tell me if the moneky theory has been proven? No, it cannot be if you know the basis for scientifically proving a theory. There are miriads of unanswered questions in our universe, nay our world, and because we do not understand them should only point to a much, much higher intellegence that designed and created all that is seen and unseen. The fact that we can only use not even 10% of our brain capacity tells us that the creator designed us for higher purposes but in our arrogance we blot Him out and struggle in our chook house. What happens if you travel beyond the speed of light? If the sun is millions of years old where did it get that unfathomable amount of energy to burn for so long??? Try God!