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Everything posted by normy

  1. Okay, I have been going over everything and trying to get everything right. This is what I have so far. Materials 3% H2O2 Vinegar Yeast (Pack of yeast bought at the grocery store) pH test strips 2 test tubes balloons I would put 1/4 tsp yeast in one test tube. Then I would put 3 mL of water in one test tube and 3 mL of vinegar in the second test tube with vinegar. Swirl the test tubes. I would let that sit for 10 about 10 minutes while I measured the circumference of the deflated balloons using a string and ruler. I would then add 3 mL of 3% peroxide into each balloon. Without spilling the peroxide into the tube, I would wrap the neck of the balloon around the test tube top. When both test tubes are ready, I would then spill the peroxide into the test tube and swirl the tubes. I would then observe the tubes for reaction for at least two minutes. Then I would wrap the string around the center of each balloon to measure the circumference and record my measurements. I am not sure how to prepare a dilute HCI. I was thinking that the water would be a control group because it does not have yeast in it.
  2. I am supposed to do a lab experiment that shows The Effect of low pH on Enzyme Activity. I will be using yeast as a catalase enzyme and hydrogen peroxide as a substrate. I was going to use vinegar, bleach and distilled water for pH levels but I am not sure if that is right. The project isn't about any pH level but low pH. It is supposed to test the effect of an acidic fluid on enzyme activity. I started thinking that maybe I should just use vinegar to test it and distilled water. I plan on using the distilled water as a control. Does it make sense to just put distilled water with peroxide and no enzyme? The more I think about it, the more confused I get.
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