Here's a theory I made. Thoughts. Can you help with ideas. I also came up with a theory on electroms which was said to only need a Princeton backing by a physicist.
My Theory talks about the infinite and how it can be located at a point. At a point it can be found but at no other place can it be found. Infinity at a point is infinite at all points but the point it's located making it about infinite. I will explain more in the paper why it's about infinite instead of infinite. A large piece of my paper is that infinity is everything . I talk about this throughout the paper. Here is my theory
Part 1-discussion of infinity
Infiniti goes on forever. It has no beginning and no end. It's infinite. Infinity can be said to have a beginning but in the final part I talk about how it's limitless. Infinity is all over and can be anywhere. It's located on a graph when y doesn't affect x and you get a vertical line such as at the point X=4 you get infinity for Y and four for X. Y can be infinite because X and Y share a point which is four and Y is all other points. y can only be found where it's shared and cannot be seen anywhere else because it's unlimited or undefined. In the third section I talk about how infinity can only be located at a point which it shares with another point. I talk about how this is and why infinity is nonlocateable at all other points. Infinity can be found wherever you look at points and can be seen wherever you see (which is at points) but can't be located because it's everywhere. Infinity itself can be seen everywhere but not found everywhere because you cannot find it unless you see it and you can only see it if you are it and that's not possible unless your everything like infinity (further explained in part 4: About Infinity). For something to be seen it must be somewhere to see. For example since Mother Nature is everywhere and not somewhere in particular you cannot see it. So Mother Nature cannot be located or seen. It's everywhere. Can be found anywhere and cannot be located at any point except the one it shares such as 4 when x=4. Infinity wil be everything because it has no end or beginning and is nonlocateable. I talk about these two aspects in other sections as well . it's nonlocateable so it cannot be located at any point except the one it shares making it non locateable except at lets say 4 when X=4. Since it cannot be located and only found it's not somewhere it's anywhere. For infinity to be anywhere it must be everywhere. Car keys are not anywhere when you can't find them because they're still somewhere. Anywhere means it can be in any place at any time which makes it anywhere. Because it's anywhere infinity also has to be everywhere for something to be able to be in any place it must be in all places otherwise it would not be possible for it to be anywhere. For it to be anywhere it would have to be everywhere to be in all places. And since it's anywhere and everywhere it's somewhere because it can be located at points. Because it can be located at points you can say Infiniti can be seen from points. Infini is somewhere everywhere and anywhere making it all things that it can be. Infiniti is everything. . Here's a second proof why infinity is everywhere.
Part 2-proof that infinity is "everywhere"
It's when something is everywhere it must not be locateable because if it was locateable it would be somewhere. If anywhere it would be found but not located. Something cannot be found if everywhere because then it would be also anywhere. And if it's anywhere it can be everywhere or somewhere making it nonlocateable . When something is everywhere it's anywhere and when it's anywhere it's either somewhere or everywhere making it nonlocateable. That's my proof. For example an electron is anywhere. It can be found in two places at once something which can only happen if anywhere not somewhere and can be found but not located. You cannot locate an electron only find it because it's anywhere. It can be anywhere not somewhere so you can find it but not locate it. You can find infinity but not locate it because it's anywhere not somewhere and can be found not located.
Part 3
I also have a proof that when X is an arbitrary number like two and Y shares that point and does not affect it Y would share two and be all other points. So when Y is X and Y doesn't affect X Y is X and all other numbers. . The point also shows that Y is X when Y meets X but at no other point is Y X. . This holds true when x is a point. . Y cannot be any point rather than a point which it shares with x for it can only be X when Y does not affect X. . For example when X is a number Y is a number which shares that number and when x is two Y shares two and becomes infinite or all numbers including two (I will later talk about why it's really about infinite when Y is 2 in the next section). When X is two Y is two and all numbers including the point it meets with X and that's where it can be located At other points when Y is not affecting X and X is a full number you know Y is also about infinity because it's that number and everything else. When Y does not affect X on a graph and X is a number that is where Y meets. that's one place it can be located because that's where Y meets X. Y can be located in any place it equals X. Y cannot be located in any other place because if Y is not equal to X Y is not equal to any number because it is not a number it is a place. it is in every other place it's non locateable because it's everywhere Because it's in all places and therefore is not locateable because it's everywhere. not somewhere so it cannot be found because it's not anywhere. For example if something is endless like Mother Nature you cannot locate a point in Mother Nature. You cannot locate a point because it has no beginning and no end a point can only be located if it's shared with something which has an end like the number four for example. It does not need a beginning. Because it shares a point with let's say the number four hypothetically you know Y and X equal at four but all other points are nonlocateable because they are everywhere. Mother Nature cannot be located. Only found like Infiniti. If Mother Nature cannot be located it cannot be said to have a point. Infiniti cannot be located and cannot be said to have a point either. . It must share a point for it to be seen to have a point. But without sharing a point a point cannot be seen. A point in Mother Nature can be located by seeing it so the point is shared but one cannot locate all of Mother Nature. The point is shared because the point is viewed by you sharing the point. So one must share the point to view it. That's some of what I got. In summary for the second part Y cannot be X other than where the two are each other. When Y is X you know where Y is. other then that point one cannot locate Y only X.
Part 4. About infinity
Infinity must be all points to be infinite. When it shares a point it's no longer infinite but about infinite making it locateable. It's about infinite because it shares places when it's like X=4 on a graph infinity shares 4 so it cannot be infinite. For something to be infinite it must be everything. For it to be everything it must be all places. If it shares a place with another object it's no longer infinite but finite because it's one place short of being all things. Here is why infinity is again everything. Infinity is somewhere everywhere and anywhere and it cannot be anywhere if sharing a place with another object because then it's somewhere making it not infinity at the point viewed but about infinity when lets say X=4 at four. When somewhere infinity cannot be anywhere while if it's anywhere infinity can be both somewhere and everywhere making it everything so when somewhere it's not everything (all 3 components) while if anywhere (nonlocateable) it's all 3 components (somewhere everywhere and anywhere) and is therefore infinite (or everything ). While if sharing a point it's somewhere so it cannot be found everywhere and anywhere and therefore is not everything. When something shares a point it's something making so it's not infinite but can be located at the point where it's shares with the object. At no other point is it locateable making it about infinite when lets say X=4. In the first section I say infinity can be seen from all over at points but infinity itself cannot be seen. This is because at points infinity is about infinite and Is somewhere at the point and can be viewed while when infinite it's everywhere and anywhere and cannot be viewed. One can view Infinity from points but cannot see infinity because infinity is everywhere and to see everywhere one must be everywhere or in other words infinity
Part 5: Zero does not exist and infinity is boundless (in the theory I state infinity to have no beginning and no end. Here is why ).
The number one means that all numbers can be divided so that they are one but zero cannot be divided because if zero is divided by itself it cannot be a number. Zero is non existent and that means zero does not have the number one. This means zero cannot be divided by itself to be one. . I'll explain why zero is non existent and not zero as we proceed. Because it doesn't have one it means it cannot be one. Because it cannot be one its non existent making it not a number but a number which is not real. Zero is not a real number. It's imaginary and can be thought of but not done since it cannot be divided by itself it cannot be zero. For it to be Zero it must be divided by itself because then a number which is a number should be divisible by itself and zero divided by nothing is undefined. Undefined is infinite and infinite cannot be said to have a number only a place according to my theory of everything. Since zero cannot have a number and only a place when divided by zero makes it not a number but only a number which can have a place where it shares with another section which is not zero. Like Y when it's not affecting X on a graph is when Y is zero and X maybe let's say 4 and Y meets X at four and the two share a place and that's where one can locate Y or the number zero when it's infinite. Since zero can only be located in a place it's not a number but a place. Since its a place for it to be zero means that no place is located and zero would have to not be a place but a thing without location. To not have location it must not have existence. To not exist means it's not real and to be not real means that something cannot be zero and therefore zero does not exist. Zero exists imaginary but does not exist in the world. For something to be added to zero one must add to something which is nonexistent and the added an arbitrary added number such as one must not equal one because one is not equal to a number which cannot exist. Because zero does not exist making the added one a number which cannot be done. One cannot exist because one added to something without a place and non existent does not mean that it exists. It means that one is added to something nonexistent and not to something which exists so a number cannot be added to zero and said to be that number it adds to because zero is not a number and cannot be added to numbers and said to be the number it adds to.