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Everything posted by GM11

  1. Dehydration from a solution is not destruction of the sulphate is it, as stated bleach or Sodium Hydroxide or even a very high tempreture like in a furnace. How much you trying to 'get rid of'? Why not walk into a pharmacy and ask them to get rid of it?
  2. Solvent extraction gives you what is called concrete, steam gives you essential oil. Soxhlet extraion is best to start from, use a polar solvent on a sample then a non polar one on another sample. TLC both results and work out the flavanoids etc by using the various wet tests on each spot. From there do a steam dist and TLC that, test as above, which ever gives the highest amount of what you want with the least rubbish thrown in is what you use to extract. From that point you can then use column or HPLC to just grab exactly each component you want, master it and you can make serious money from things like roses.
  3. Yeast springs to mind, many variables to study and simple apparatus. You can actually study some advanced processes using yeast and a little imagination, for example aim for the production of another alcohol other than Ethanol.
  4. In our company we mainly work as a team chosen by particular talents for each project, all the projects we do are lead by a head scientist who is ultimately responsiable for the results and accuracy of data.
  5. http://microscopy.berkeley.edu/Resources/instruction/staining.htm I chose a subject (plant cells) and then googled how to stain and mount plant cells, this is by far the best way to get information on techniques. So for example if you want to learn how to stain and mount bacteria google how to stain and mount bacteria. Unfortunately there are so many materials and methods that it's dificult to write a book to cover the lot. You are better to break down your search into the sections you are working on, I would learn to fix samples first then practice staining techniques and finaly permanent mounting. I got lucky very early in my carrer and had the privalage to work with a fantastic guy who had worked in a pathology lab. That was over 30 years ago now and I still use many of the 'tricks' he taught me.
  6. Hmm I find this difficult to answer in a way that would be useful to you, I have Crohns myself and have had several resections done. My advice to you is find things that work for you and dont worry too much about the why! I am saying this not as a scientist but as a sufferer, what works for one may not work for another. In your case it is helping and as long as moderation is used you will do no harm.
  7. Yes absolutely. However I suspect your question is more along the lines of can you observe the behaviour of ingestion. If this was the actual question then again the answer is yes, the easiest way though is via a flask culture and special media. What you observe is predominately the dye absortion.
  8. An aquarium filter is the place to start, look into nitrobactor,nitrosomas etal. They will give you the sources for bacteria that can get you from Ammonia - Nitrite- Nitrate. If you want the long way around set up a small aquarium (no fish needed and certainly no plants) add small amount of ammonia (30ppm) or the old fashioned way add small amount (1cm) of meat. This will kick off the filter, monitor ammonia levels and as soon as you see a drop in ammonia and a rise in Nitrite add another small amount of ammonia (bring to 40ppm). Keep doing this untill you can detect around 100 ppm of nitrate in the water (use aquarium test kit). The next step is a little tricky to get right. Once you have a functioning filter (canister type best so you can sample) you will need to add a feed line from the output to a cylinder that is anerobic, to this add very small amounts of alcohol (2ppm) and wait. if no N is evolved within one week add another small amount of alcohol. If you want full details then pm me what equipment you have access to and I will give you some of the lab notes I have on doing this, the company I work for has developed a product for aquarium cycling, we do have a small bank of cultures we keep of the different main players involved, but I would encourage you to try and isolate yourself. The soil type can be had from Legumes but you will only get nitrogen fixation bacteria, if you could pm a little more detail on EXACTLY what your doing I should be able to help with this.
  9. Start with Campbell (any ed), its a good first year level for university but has something in it for everyone. If you want to go deeper into the areas you mention specifically start with campbell and message me for a list of a couple of areas you are particuarly interestead in. Check monster books on ebay and abebooks (secondhand section) there is often a cheap selection of good well looked after books very cheap.
  10. Its school work so I will prod rather than give you an answer. Its a stem so think where the stem is, also as the question states a type of tree think of the cycle of the tree. Sunlight in a roundabout way is a factor as well as tempreture, thesse all cause the plant to do something, its this doing something you need to look at. Take a look at hormones for a start point
  11. We extract with chloroform, it just drops out in a sep funnel if you use steam for extraction then salt the water. Eugenol is pretty dense when we use chloroform we find it sits under the chloroform layer and any water that was in the cloves sits above the chloroform. I am wondering if you have actually managed to extract to the oil? Try the salted water the layers should be well defined, this is something we do 5-6 a week at work, but not all cloves give a good yeild
  12. Are you talking about true Hydrogen fuel vells or the HHO cells?
  13. Yes I should learn not to assume, obviously there is some kind of reaction. So I suggested in a succint way to go check the vapour pressure, as stated as well unless there is a very good reason closed systems are not good for heating. What is the glass? how thick? what is the reaction? How are people supposed to guess these things?
  14. The reason it dosnt move is vapour pressure, it is great to see someone with a sample enclosed in both glass and acrylic! I wish all element collectors did this
  15. Hg will release a vapour at standard temp and pressure, it is EXTRWEMELY toxic. There is a saying 'Mad as a Hatter', this saying comes from an area in the UK called Luton. Luton back in the 18th and 19th Centuary was an area renowned for the manufacture of hats, The hat making process used Hg in liquid form. MANY of the people working in this industry had toxic poisoning and went mad, hence the saying. The Hg in your teeth is normally removed now, however it is a bound alloy with no free Hg, so isnt per se dangerous. To get rid of elemental mercury you could use sulphur. Gold mining with mercury is a totaly uneccesary process with stiff penalty if caught, you may like Hg in your food chain however I share the same chain and prefer as little Hg in it as I can get.
  16. Be careful alot of Drain openers are in fact sulphuric acid, it is these that are normally a pink colour. Just wipe the handles etc with a damp clothe, anything that would have been extremely nasty is likely to have reacted with something like a metal door handle. So unless you have only touched plastics you would have seen a reaction. If you have left over try add ing a tiny amount to baking powder, if it evolves a gas then its acid based and a good wipe with damp cloth soaked in baking powder will suffice.
  17. No please dont do this, look at the vapour pressure. In a closed system this could be extremely unsafe. Can you give details of what you are trying to react or do? It is likely we can find a much safer and better way for you.
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