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  1. https://40.media.tumblr.com/cf4c65cb9e80f5e3c852e420d329ee15/tumblr_nw2xdiKWEx1rzkwjvo1_400.jpg Is this better?
  2. https://gm1.ggpht.com/5dtYUGWsGvYFv3l_Bn7uw-mHEnAn09fTlWtC-1hwEThg-VNW_4HjvcxTzlblmiZdMkqZlMQzIwrTYAsfP91rJVrSfbxcYUv3qBtQrkfJgj-TQSKVck1qZZJsmMzBSHPUgtVqTu1BdYh1end-F8dvTkYUSj_HmohBgRvnm9Fq-WHDmUUjVnjTaA1_E54wuWH028_wvoF2YSltkei9v8AIOr7FCqQCcbWiUX7R1ygTCta9DBqLs5GL7xTBy9IkLoVe7dbTLW-A6MIMOu1ce-rNXQcdOXANjwiL77KgC4GBRLvLX-w2WnvhNwlgs18m6PuvJ7UerYU8y4z36ePl6-atF8fZsqahm8aDPyazUJ9__cmNpkEZHB1wMU4Z_SvkjDFoBjm2Xn8Ash6fysIaS3PUl7_apuVhHrMhrsa_mC7ckjXPdbaMsvqS_wZXv11aE3917Z57H02eYt3G0DHmKaYQgOkBmIBLaqdH83EQXxXtweKyJxCsmM1rqPkG1OyXH3eSvRXFoeZND_IM7Mwt8QHmY0sfXuLxxYSQFSxOP_ncSps_AyAk7jSA0QmFGCZogLL4zFOEfSAAPcoHrqyvGmby__q6fvcGpgdF3aXg2oyDGFpaxEMoqfloY810i61iZGZh8VzHmcY5j9zOYKiemMZuTyuSL8nDfPFLiRN26N-ZhWg=w1342-h523-l75-ft My botany teacher recently took us to the local botanic gardens to take samples of leaves, press them, and identify them. When I took this sample, she said this one would be a little more difficult than the others to identify. I'm starting to think it may be because it's not a tree like most other samples but rather a bush or shrub. I may be wrong. If it's a tree, my strongest guesses are that it's either a subspecies of hawthorn or a swamp white oak. I'm uncertain if it's local to my area, Wyoming, because the gardens plant a wide array of plants. I've been through both a physical and online version of the arbor day association's "What Tree is That?" guide and I'm finding few results. Can anyone help me?
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