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  1. Oh, I am groaning and cleaning up my wounds. Sigh. So many interesting comments and not easy to respond but one by one and I'll concede to one notion and that is I am no Einstein - and so I won't address them all. But to understand some of what I suggest, one needs to have some experience with magnetic fields, and energy fields in general; and, of course they can be effected by 'veins' of metal on a planetary scale ...any magnetic or energy field surrounding the planet would be influenced by elements and minerals in the earth. It is elements in the earth that produce it's [the belts] shape; it reall is elementary and it's very reasonable to consider that metals have impact on any 'magnetic' or better said, electro magnetic, or other energy field - like the v a belt. OK, in the end, I'll concede maybe it's best for a chapter in a science fiction book more than a journal, but I still think the thought is sound. Men much wiser and smarter than I - have been scoffed worse than I got here ... All and all, not bad. Thanks.
  2. It's not easy for a no one to state something and have anyone listen. Maybe some one will read my assertion and champion it on their own. The Van Allen Belt is clearly electro magnetic. Naturally occurring in its origin or seeded and put there deliberately - might anyone speculate that the metals - especially the gold in the earth - perhaps the silver - taken from the ground of the earth might have an effect on the belts phenonina? The answer seems elementary. I wonder if others think I'm sleep deprived or have a genuine thought? Thanks for your thoughts. jerry
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