Oh, I am groaning and cleaning up my wounds. Sigh. So many interesting comments and not easy to respond but one by one and I'll concede to one notion and that is I am no Einstein - and so I won't address them all. But to understand some of what I suggest, one needs to have some experience with magnetic fields, and energy fields in general; and, of course they can be effected by 'veins' of metal on a planetary scale ...any magnetic or energy field surrounding the planet would be influenced by elements and minerals in the earth. It is elements in the earth that produce it's [the belts] shape; it reall is elementary and it's very reasonable to consider that metals have impact on any 'magnetic' or better said, electro magnetic, or other energy field - like the v a belt.
OK, in the end, I'll concede maybe it's best for a chapter in a science fiction book more than a journal, but I still think the thought is sound. Men much wiser and smarter than I - have been scoffed worse than I got here ...
All and all, not bad. Thanks.