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  1. Hi hypervalent_iodine & iNow. Thanks for your responses and your help. I have read the paper in that I started to but I was lost very quickly in what it was about. I'm not familiar with meta-analysis but Googling since saw that it's a study of studies...? What I was after I think was what iNow had stated. Just wanted to get a sense of it. I don't expect to hold a detailed discussion. Just wanted to know what it was generally about. So in short, my friend did a study of a bunch of other people's studies and saw that some parts of the brain were smaller for PTSD suffers but isn't enough information to definitely be sure that the smaller brain parts cause PTSD? Is that right? I'll look to do a search on those brain parts but are the parts of the brain affected important with regards to PTSD?
  2. Hi folks! I'm new to neuroscience and this forum and was hoping to get some help from people who know a lot more on this topic than I do. I have a friend of mine who had a paper published earlier this year about some stuff he's working on regarding MRIs and PTSD. The link to it is as below: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0925492715000037 I'd like some help with understanding what this is about. My friend explained it to be briefly but it didn't sink in and I'm too embarrassed to ask him again and seem stupid. Whatever help that you can provide would be very much appreciated. Thanks Also as a side thing, what do you think of the paper? Any good?
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