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Everything posted by mitchell

  1. [...ya know what? ....einstein had to brainstorm other peoples theories/work logically....and thats the bases of his intelligence.....yeah we know he had a big head ,i.e big brain.....(i gotta big head/ brain.....so much so i have to adjust and use the last knotch on my cap!!!)....but that does not make me a complete genius!!! (i'm not a complete schmuck in the intelligence department either!!!).....ya have to logically process logic after all we live in a world of order plus chaos....like fractals ......pieces of order in fluids of chaos....heres a saying i came up with.....bringing chaos into order and chaos into order i.e fractals ok bye (I love small talk keep it up!!!) ok byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
  2. ............did you know that neils bohr's coat of arms consisted of "the yin yang symbol" ..and also he dabbled in the i ching ....which is found to be mathmatically compatible with DNA and artificial intelligence...and atomic structural expressions..see and read "the DNA AND THE ICHING" by johnson f yan ...the world is truly of opposites yin/yang ..female/male.. night/day..positive and negative(YAWNNNNNnnnnnnaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh)...
  3. re:omni/genesis wave author!!! me mitchisan Is there anybody out there in Gods green earth to challenge my theory!!! nope? o well ,archive it for future reference and a nobel peace prize!!!
  4. ....one thing that puzzles da hell out of me is!!!what does a neutron in a nucleus do besides cluster themselves with the proton?(bullsh!t no charge) after much thinking i came up with a theory....IT OSCILLATES BOTH NEGATIVE AND POSITIVE WAVES!!!...let me explain....I'll call it the "Genesis wave" for want of a better term!!! it's a weird wave that much resembles a sound wave ...rather than measure the crest to crest we measure the duration( Timing is important!!!)...get a piece of paper...then draw a line in the middle ..then zig zag a sound wave through it .....measure the distance where the lines intersect the line...to neutrilise this wave put a mirror on the line(congatulations)you have reversed one half of the wave...now do the same with the other side .......I suspect the blackholes use this frequency to insulate and cause the singlularity....where by atomic particles are no longer bonded but dissipate(antimatter)...so if you can picture it...this Genesis wave permeates everthing ...except blackholes ... the cluster of positively charged proton and the negatvely/positively oscillating neutron are configured that way it will cause the negative charged electron to zig zag it's orbits!!!! quite a balancing act!!!..I' also theorised that if a device was to emulate the anti genesis wave within a genesis wave field ..this could cause an atomic implosion ...enormous amounts of heat as particles smash in to each other forming unstable compounds...a nuke without using uranium 235!!!...if you want more (or a better explanation post a reply or email me mitchellsimi@yahoo.co.nz)
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