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Everything posted by Itoero

  1. In my greenhouse I once noted some ants on a pepper and maybe a month later I had a big aphid-plague. Aphids feed on the sap of plants and secrete a substance called honeydew. This sticky resin is a favorite food of ants, who “milk” the aphids for it. Ants also defend the aphids against bugs like ladybugs and earwigs...which allows the aphid population to increase in size.
  2. If Jesus was drowned to death then we would have an aquarium hanging on the ceiling instead of a cross:)
  3. Perhaps it's an evolutionary trait that allows the number of ribs to change fast. The number of ribs is causal related to bodysize and bodysize evolved pretty fast, this allowed people to live in many different habitats. Another way of saying it: The fact that the first people started to spread out of Africa caused the number of ribs to evolve fast because we encountered new habitats. I can imagine many animals can evolve their number of ribs pretty fast.
  4. Itoero


    My peppers are germinating and I'm about to sow my tomatoes. In April I'll plant them in the greenhouse and garden....if the weather allows it. The weather is odd. It used to be too warm, the growing season was starting. Now it's freezing like hell. According to the forecast, on 1 March it will be -2°C during the day and -8°C at night. That's uncommonly cold and I live in the most temperate region in Belgium.
  5. I was not the one who came up with 'object'. Isn't an apparent horizon also a set of coordinates? Well, in those cases it is true. Depending on how you are defining "interaction". Interaction is a kind of action that occurs as two or more 'objects' have an effect upon one another. When light doesn't travel through 'empty space' the photons interact with particles. There is no evidence to back up the idea that gravit. lensing and doppler shift happen without interacting of photons with particles. Ok, but then you proof the validity of logical ideas with logic. .. .then you have logic². You can say cosmology is based on evidence but it's not scientific since it's not empirical evidence you get via experiments. I think cosmology is about interpreting measurements. Why did the chicken cross the Mobius strip? -->To get to the same side! I think it's necessary to better categorize science, by making a definite distinction between philosophical science and empirical science. Many top scientists believe in the correctness of interpretations/research concerning physics. When one top(or famous in his area/country) scientist believes in something and has a convincing way of 'promoting' it then you can be sure many people think the same way. And when you believe in something then you are not going to research other interpretations. So the kind of work, done by scientists, might change since their study field will be less dependent on the area they live in. Those theorie are interpretations. Their are even interpretations off the copenhagen interpretation. They don't have to study anything extra. Things just have to better categorized. Who decides which logic is correct and which is not?
  6. The meaning of 'nothing' changes due to the context it's in. And our idea of vacuum and quantum vacuum changes due to new measuring devices/interpretations.
  7. Ok, but when is something an object in physics? That's true but all the interpretation are interpretations of evidence. You can't use an interpretation as evidence. If you narrow science down...don't you then just acknowledge that many things in the world of science are philosphical? People said how the properties of light change without interacting of photons, as examples they gave doppler shift and gravitational lensing. I prefer not to get banned. (The things I said in the status I said because I'm very funny and wanted to see if you have humor.) Most/Many people think logic dictates there is a god or something supernatural.
  8. Which rules?
  9. When is it an object and when not? An apparent horizon points IMO to it not being an object. Many things in 'science' are not backed up by scientific evidence: String theory, Holographic principle, cosmology, no-hair theorem, Copenhagen interpretation, Many worlds inter., Consistent histories inter., Ensemble interpretation, Broglie–Bohm theory, Relational quantum mechanics, Transactional interpretation, Stochastic mechanics, Objective collapse theories, Consciousness causes collapse, Many minds, Quantum logic, Quantum information theories, Modal interpretations of quantum theory, Time-symmetric theories, Branching space-time theories, .... Why wouldn't you categorize those things? (by making science a subfield) That's generally because a philosopher is differently educated then a physicist. A chemist will also find it difficult to solving problems of physicists. I know science is not a subfield atm...but it should be. Science is a too broad field. No. I mentioned it to show what people consider ' science' is often not science. The main idea was that people believe the properties of light can change without interacting with the photons....which is a philosophical idea. I know what you mean but it's wrong since you can't 'proof' the validity of a philosophical study. Whether it contains truth is a subjective opinion.
  10. The title is trop provoking but it's a well chosen title nevertheless. For example: islamterrorism is not causal related with Islam. But islam forms a breeding ground which creates injustice and poisons morality...which 'promotes' terrorism.
  11. Not all human injustice is due to religion but a lot of it is. Do you deny that child-genital mutilation, child sexual abuse(by priests), islam-terrorism, islam sexual terrorism, injustice concerning apostates/atheists (islam+christiannity) is because of religion? Imo the believe in god(s) was necessary, but not anymore.
  12. Christopher Hitchens was 'famous' to talk against the child-genital mutilation. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Religious_views_on_female_genital_mutilation https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Religious_male_circumcision Religion does help people, but that's peanuts compared to all the injustice and suffering it causes. "God is not needed: How religion slows down/blocks moral evolution" by Me
  13. god is Not Great: How Religion Poisons Everything by Christopher Hitchens
  14. I said: The interaction electron/atoms - photons causes the refraction and is called scattering. ---> This means the interaction electron/atoms - photons is called scattering and this interaction causes refraction. Many people definitely know it but its not always called scattering. When people say photons/atoms cause refraction then they acknowledge scattering causes refraction....they just don't call it 'scattering'. People that know of the theorem will call it scattering and people that study optical physics call it scattering. Scattering implies a wave or particle(s) change in direction due to an interaction. The change in direction is not necessary measurable/observable. Here is a nice explanation: " Refraction occurs when a large number of dipoles scatter coherently. Each individual dipole scatters light in response to the incident radiation in (almost) all directions, but when you have a large collection of scatterers, each one scattering in many directions, you have to sum the contributions of each one in order to arrive at the total field. Each contribution interferes with every other contribution. When you do this at an abrupt interface, the result is reflection and refraction (and cancellation of the incident light, ala the Ewald-Oseen thm). So the main difference is that scattering generally refers to small scatterers (having a size on the order of the wavelength), and refraction requires a large number of scatterers, and a clean interface."https://physics.stackexchange.com/questions/247342/difference-between-scattering-and-refraction In this discussion it's often acknowledged it's due to scattering, it's just not called 'scattering'.https://www.physicsforums.com/threads/why-does-light-slow-down-in-a-medium.613481/
  15. If you have a nice example of animals living in symbiosis...
  16. Today I learned, in terms of true depth, the Kola Superdeep Borehole is the deepest borehole in the world. It is the result of a scientific drilling project of the Soviet Union in the Pechengsky District, on the Kola Peninsula. The goal was to to drill as deep as possible into the Earth's crust. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kola_Superdeep_Borehole
  17. I know science is not a subfield atm but it should be.
  18. I never said scattering=refraction. you talk with your faith, it doesn't matter what I say.
  19. Many people call it scattering, especially the ones that know of the extinction theorem. Have a look on google. I think It's rather interaction with atomic electrons. and electrons. Rayleigh and compton scattering are both about the interaction of photons with particles.https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Compton_scattering https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rayleigh_scattering Their is a feyman diagram that shows this. https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Compton_Scattering_Feynman_Diagram.png The fact that scattering implies a change in direction doesn't mean this change in direction is measurable/observable. I have done what I could but I knew only about the theorem when the thread got closed and I got another warning point.. Refraction is the change in direction of wave propagation due to a change in its transmission medium. So for example when light enters an ocean, the first watermolecules the light interact with, cause the refraction. When you take a vacuum as medium then al particles are localized non uniformities. Most of what I said is a copy-paste from the Wikipediapage about the theorem.
  20. Small interfering RNAs (siRNAs) responsible for brain damage in Huntington’s patients are also toxic to cancer cells, according to researchers at Northwestern University. The findings, published yesterday (February 12) in EMBO Reports, could provide a novel approach to cancer therapy. The siRNAs found in Huntington’s kill cancer cells by targeting genes with complementary TNRs. Using the molecules, Murmann and her colleagues were able to induce cell death in human and mouse ovarian, breast, prostate, liver, brain, lung, skin, and colon cancer cell lines. They also slowed tumor growth in mice with human ovarian cancer, with no toxicity to normal tissues.https://www.the-scientist.com/?articles.view/articleNo/51781/title/Molecule-Found-in-Huntington-s-Patients-Kills-Cancer-Cells/ I find this extremely hopeful.
  21. Today I learned an Astronomical Unit (AU) is the average distance between Earth and the Sun, which is about 93 million miles or 150 million kilometers. Astronomical units are usually used to measure distances within our Solar System. For example, the planet Mercury is about 1/3 of an AU from the sun, while the farthest planet, Pluto, is about 40 AU from the sun (that's 40 times as far away from the Sun as Earth is). http://coolcosmos.ipac.caltech.edu/ask/301-What-is-an-Astronomical-Unit https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Astronomical_unit
  22. Scientists probing the reason why cancer is far less common in individuals with Huntington's disease have revealed that the gene responsible for the fatal brain condition produces a molecule that is deadly to cancer cells.https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/320908.php
  23. No, scattering can cause refraction. Your read but you don't understand. When light traveling in vacuum enters a transparent medium like glass, the light slows down, as described by the index of refraction. Although this fact is famous and familiar, it is actually quite strange and surprising when you think about it microscopically. After all, according to the superposition principle, the light in the glass is a superposition of: The original light wave, and The light waves emitted by each of the atoms in the glass. (Remember, light has an electric field that pushes atoms back and forth, which causes the atoms to emit dipole radiation.) Individually, each of these waves travels at the speed of light in vacuum, not at the (slower) speed of light in glass. Yet when the waves are added up, they surprisingly create only a wave that travels at the slower speed. The Ewald–Oseen extinction theorem says that the light emitted by the atoms has a component traveling at the speed of light in vacuum, which exactly cancels out ("extinguishes") the original light wave. Additionally, the light emitted by the atoms has a component which looks like a wave traveling at the slower speed of light in glass. Altogether, the only wave in the glass is the slow wave, consistent with what we expect from basic optics. ->When light traveling in vacuum enters a transparent medium like glass. The photons interact with atoms/electrons (depending on the material the glass is made of). The interaction electron/atoms - photons causes the refraction and is called scattering. Scattering is a general physical process where some forms of radiation, such as light, sound, or moving particles, are forced to deviate from a straight trajectory by one or more paths due to localized non-uniformities in the medium through which they pas.https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scattering In glass, the 'glassmolecules' scatter the photons.
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