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Everything posted by Itoero

  1. It's mathematically possible to explain quantum-phenomena so the quantum-probability becomes part of a deterministic system. This is all about the holographic principle. The 2D-plane you can call an extra dimension. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Holographic_principle There is more and more 'evidence' that points to the holographic principle. Then the ER=EPR is imo correct. It states that entangled particles are connected by a wormhole. A wormhole implies the absence of time and space...so does the 2D info in the holographic principle.
  2. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Four-dimensional_space Entanglement and quantum-probability imo demands an extra dimension. https://arxiv.org/abs/1609.01287
  3. True but those wishes and beliefs are formed by experiences/acquired knowledge...they don't just appear all of a sudden. You constantly make choices/decisions and some of them you can relate to free will. When there seems to be a random aspect in the choice making, people call it 'free will'. We have free will because we are conscious.
  4. Citation? And that doesn't ''prove' anything. You can only make assumptions about the inside of black hole by knowing what's inside. If the holographic principle is correct ( and it seems like it is) then there is no centre in a bh. I didn't say that. Mass is physical information. The bh info paradox concern all physical info.
  5. This is part of Kent Hovind's ideas that (in his opinion) show a young earth.
  6. The point of this technique is to absorb most of the impact by rolling which allows you to jump from higher heights without breaking your ancles. So the strength of your ancles is important but it's not the limiting factor. In order to roll, you need momentum along the x-axis...you can't jump straight down.
  7. This reminds me of an episode in Friends where Phoebe talks with Ross about evolution.
  8. From how high could you jump if you had a perfect roll at the end? You roll to absorb the impact. This is the roll I mean:
  9. In Canada I noted that many indians believe in bigfoot. I also met a guy that was in prison for a long time I think and he had very 'strong' opinions concerning Jews and gay people...he also believed in Bigfoot. I remember I was on a hike with him, we heard noise in the forest next to us and this was what he said: "Bears don't make noise like that,.................................it might be a Bigfoot'"
  10. This don't really concern religious beliefs, I'm sorry if this is in the wrong subforum. Are there people that believe in the existence of 'fantasy beasts' like Yeti, Bigfoot, Sasquatch, monster of Loch Ness....? Why? Reason?
  11. accepted
  12. I think, on average, the man loses stress while the woman gains stress.
  13. Why do orkanes get female names? At fist they are wild and wet but finally they take your house.
  14. If it's possible, I can(or should be able to) imagine it.
  15. I tend to agree since I never read longer texts. But doesn't the length of posts depend on the subject of the thread?
  16. What does it really mean if time is infinite or not? It might be there are time quanta...chronons.https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chronon Time dilation is a difference in the elapsed time measured by two observers, either due to a velocity difference relative to each other, or by being differently situated relative to a gravitational field. In gravitational time dilation, time interacts with a gravitational field...light also interact with a gravitational field. It seems to me there are time quanta and that time is not a continuum.
  17. I think I get why you think like that. It's one of the reasons I don't believe in an infinite timeline. 'Infinity' throws away all boundaries and rules.
  18. The mass (invariant+relativistic) and force decides imo the speedlimit.
  19. Not necessary: It is argued that the so-called holographic principle will obstruct attempts to produce physically realistic models for the unification of general relativity with quantum mechanics, unless determinism in the latter is restored. https://arxiv.org/pdf/gr-qc/9903084v3.pdf http://de.arxiv.org/pdf/1112.1811v3 DETERMINISM BENEATH QUANTUM MECHANICShttps://arxiv.org/pdf/quant-ph/0212095v1.pdf
  20. It doesn't avoid things, it explains things. In a larger sense, the theory suggests that the entire universe can be seen as two-dimensional information on the cosmological horizon. This 2D info causes the probabilistic quantum world.
  21. You should have a look what Special Relativity says about mass: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mass_in_special_relativity
  22. If they somehow find sufficient evidence for the holographic principle then we know the quantum-probability in our 3D reality emanates from a 2D field.
  23. Why was he wrong? If the Holographic principle is 'proven' then he was correct.https://phys.org/news/2017-01-reveals-substantial-evidence-holographic-universe.html
  24. I Totally agree. It's like Einstein's quote: "God does not play dice with the universe." =>Einstein wasn't referring to a personal god in the quote. He was using "God" as a metaphor.http://www.businessinsider.com/god-does-not-play-dice-quote-meaning-2015-11?international=true&r=US&IR=T
  25. If the universe is infinite then then that doesn't mean lifeforms on this earth are subject to infinity. We are born and die.
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