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Everything posted by Itoero

  1. In order to make a plastic sculpture you will probably have to dissolve the plastic in a solvent...you'll definitely need safety goggles and gloves. If you have a lot of the styrofoam then you can dissolve it in acetone...without the risk of toxic fumes.
  2. Science has a lot to say about religion. Religion is often studied in a scientific way. Many universities have a center for scientific study of religion.
  3. Itoero

    about charity

    If charity solves problems short term but increases or creates new problems on a longer term..do you think that's 'good' charity? Do you support such charity? A lot (not all of course) of charity helps the recipient with their problem, but it doesn't do much to deal with the causes of that problem. It's like this saying: "Don't give a person a fish, teach him or her how to fish". Combating poverty involves slow processes of political, cultural and social change, with many stakeholders, significant opposition and serious issues of self-determination and coercion to be navigated. This concerns imo a very important and big ethical conundrum. Should people spend time to make a better world in 10 years' time if that means that people who we could have fed starve to death tomorrow...for the greater good? The story of the boy and the starfish shows why using charity to fix individual problems can be very valuable yet the fixing of individual problems can (not always of course) increase the problem on a longer term. -Infant mortality rates in villages in Ethiopia have fallen sharply which is a result of charity-funded projects. As their populations increase resources become strained. The local youths are forced to move to the cities in search of work which increases urban poverty.http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/politics/9681699/How-charity-makes-life-worse-for-Africans.html -The main problem with food and cloths aid is that you interfere in their economy and they become dependent on donations. Food aid in African countries competes with the crops of struggling local farmers. The same goes for cloths aid. By selling foreign cloths, you compete with people that make and sell local cloths. With those donations you weaken an already fragile economy. In Belgium there is Oxfamwereldwinkels https://www.oxfamwereldwinkels.be/en, "Oxfam considers fair trade as a lever for structural development in the South. Of course we pay a fair price to our producers. But did you know that they receive a fair trade premium on top of that? They spend this money on projects that benefit their whole community. Oxfam Fair Trade guarantees a long-term collaboration to the cooperatives." =>This is the kind of charity I support.
  4. I adore this song Version of Sex on Fire I find better then the original one of The King's of Leon.
  5. Today I learned about inverted river channels. In the Late Jurassic period, a network of braided rivers flowed across the Colorado Plateau in an area about 8 kilometers (5 miles) northwest of Hanksville, Utah. The rivers cut through layers of bedrock, chiseling valleys and depositing sand and gravel on their bottoms. Over the past 150 million years, geologic processes have reversed the area’s topography. The sandy deposits from the channel beds hardened into erosion-resistant caps of sandstone, while winds and water chewed away at the shale and claystone rocks on the river’s adjacent floodplains. Today, the shales and claystones have largely eroded and the sandy deposits that were stream channels are now sinuous ridges that rise above the landscape.https://earthobservatory.nasa.gov/IOTD/view.php?id=79863 This is inverted relief. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inverted_relief
  6. There is something interesting that points to a causal relationship between energy (mass) and entanglement. " In stark contrast to transport experiments, absorption of a single photon leads to an abrupt change in the system Hamiltonian and a quantum quench of Kondo correlations. By inferring the characteristic power law exponents from the experimental absorption line-shapes, we find a unique signature of the quench in the form of an Anderson orthogonality catastrophe, originating from a vanishing overlap between the initial and final many-body wave-functions. We also show that the power-law exponents that determine the degree of orthogonality can be tuned by applying an external magnetic field which gradually turns the Kondo correlations off."https://arxiv.org/pdf/1102.3982.pdf This wiki concerns Electronic correlation, interesting stuff.https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electronic_correlation#Mathematical_viewpoint Maybe, If it's true that the breaking of entanglement creates energy or mass then that might be related to the way the observable universe is created...but it's a very big 'IF'. According to big bang cosmology there was a thermal equilibrium. Regions which today are out of causal contact were once in equilibrium with each other...https://arxiv.org/pdf/1205.1584.pdf Matter is any substance that has mass and takes up space. Mass is a property of a physical body. It is the measure of an object's resistance to acceleration (a change in its state of motion) when a net force is applied.
  7. -Particles are entangled because a quantum state is entangled (like the spin of an electron). This can only happen because of some form of interaction. They will probably find several new ways of how particles or objects can interact to form entanglement...this will give more info concerning the range of separation in which particles or objects can get entangled at. -This concerns a model called Holographic Entangled Space time. According to this model...when you disentangle two regions in space then there appears energy which distorts the space...Energy is mass.(E=mc²) If this model is correct then there is a possibility that mass or energy can form because of the breaking of many body entanglement.
  8. I don't know if it belongs on this forum but perhaps it would be handy if there is a (sub)forum where you can post science related blogs or websites. The promoting of products should still be forbidden. And maybe under the 'Earth science', you can make a sub-forum called 'Global Warming'.
  9. There is a link between a temperature that is nearly 0 K and many body entanglement. "A many-body quantum system is cooled to zero temperature so that it is forced into its overall non degenerate ground state. We discuss the measurement of a sub-system Hamiltonian and demonstrate that it can be found in an excited state with a probability that depends on the coupling to its environment. This non-intuitive result is a pure quantum phenomenon" https://arxiv.org/pdf/cond-mat/0311647.pdf
  10. I thought this was about the tv show
  11. Which historical evidence?
  12. How can I give evidence for something like that? Being content is a very personal feeling. What do you mean with that question? You remember/read/listen/see what you think is useful...
  13. I think dimreepr meant to say 'Secularity doesn't teach contentment'...he said this several times before.
  14. But what does the bible matter if it's only part of the teachings?
  15. It's pretty secular where I live and there are several ways contentment is taught which have nothing to do with religion. In many weekly or monthly magazines the subject of 'getting back on track' or 'how to be content' is always present. Several television shows also deal with that subject. There are many 'able people' you can visit like a psychologist without a degree. Yes, science concerns the job of a scientist. It depends if you consider social sciences as science. Psychology is a social science...
  16. The fact that there are moral teachings in the NT doesn't prove that it's meant to teach contentment. And you know secularity teaches contentment so why do you again seem to claim it doesn't? And you claimed religion taught contentment when they started and they succeeded...any evidence for this?
  17. With 'science' you mean 'secularity' I suppose? So you claim secularity doesn't teach contentment? Seriously?
  18. Today I learned about the Scanning Tunneling Microscope. A scanning tunneling microscope (STM) is an instrument for imaging surfaces at the atomic level. Its development in 1981 earned its inventors, Gerd Binnig and Heinrich Rohrer (at IBM Zürich), the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1986. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scanning_tunneling_microscope
  19. thx for the links! This is something interesting from the abstract of the arxiv. "In stark contrast to transport experiments, absorption of a single photon leads to an abrupt change in the system Hamiltonian and a quantum quench of Kondo correlations" "We also show that the power-law exponents that determine the degree of orthogonality can be tuned by applying an external magnetic field which gradually turns the Kondo correlations off." What's a quantum quench? Conducting electrons in the Kondo state lose kinetic energy(resistivity increases) and gain correlation energy(entanglement increases or arises). A photon and a magnetic field give kinetic energy which inhibits or turns off the Kondo correlation.
  20. Where did you read that? A Princeton researcher and his international collaborators have used lasers to peek into the complex relationship between a single electron and its environment, a breakthrough that could aid the development of quantum computers. The technique reveals how an isolated electron and its surroundings develop a relationship known as a Kondo state I can't find the results of this technique.
  21. This thread is about entanglement.
  22. If the universe is a simulation then the universe is a hologram, those are different words which can explain the same thing. Many scientists believe in the holographic principle. An ER bridge and ER=EPR you can call the start of the holographic principle/idea.
  23. In the Kondo effect many conducting electrons become entangled at very low temperature...I did not find anything that explains this.
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